No Present, No Past, No Future is an exploration into understanding our perception of time. Using the Tibetan singing bowl, No Present, No Past, No Future attempts to visualize how the bowl observes and records time. It recognizes that our perception of time is a close examination of our existence – realizing that we, like time, are evolving or devolving towards nothingness.
Conversations and public understanding of police surveillance are clouded by the fact that surveillance is an abstraction for most. Even as surveillance reaches into all aspects of our lives, our conversations about its impact on our well being are understated.
Police are one of the most powerful surveillance agents in American society. Under public pressure over recent years, American police have started using body worn cameras (BCWs) and touting them as great transparency tools between police and the public. However, their use of BCWs raises new issues over who controls the images, when and how the cameras should be operated, should the cameras detect faces, etc.
We've used these questions to create an interactive sculpture that questions police power, surveillance, and our ability to confront these powers. Suspended from the ceiling, the humanoid sculpture dons a police tactical uniform draped with four BCWs. Its initial focal point is the realistic 3D printed face, generated with machine learning fed on the faces of American police union leaders. As the audience investigates the face they unwillingly create a threat to the sculpture and it responds. The body cameras open up, revealing themselves to be animatronic eyes that converge on the viewer. Even as you try to escape, the infrared eyes on the body cameras make it known that you can't avoid its gaze once you've been seen.
The sculpture is the first step in a larger installation about surveillance. By combining new technologies such as facial recognition and robotics with age-old motifs like spiders and puppetry, Asleep with One Eye Open creates visceral feelings and perspectives on surveillance that lets the viewer know that they cannot escape once the eyes have been centered on them.
The Tidal Observation Instrument starts with four tides. It uses historical data from the International Oceanographic Commission to log those tides as wavetables, and allows an instrumentalist to control the speed of the signal, from the native tidal frequency of 0.0000016Hz up to a more typical Low-Frequency Oscillator range of 0.01Hz. This LFO is allowed to modulate a sample of the waveform playing at 440Hz (Concert A). As the four tides play, it's possible to hear the last several days of tides across the globe resonate with each other, leading towards a strange new metaphor for the waves.
How to use:
1. Put your left hand on the hand shape of the sphere. Starting from your thumb to your little finger one at a time, pressing down the sensor on the finger tips.
2. When pressing down the sensor, it will activate one set of the LED inside the sphere. And also activate the animation on the monitor.
3. Each sensor controls one set of LED and a clip of the animation. At the end when you are pressing down all five of them, you will complete the “Kame Hame Ha.”
12, is how New York and Shanghai share their time difference, a motif we experience and accommodate everyday as a Go Local student under pandemic. This mulled into AM, PM.
In AM, PM, audiences are able to enter, stay, sit, lie down and meditate in a cozy living room space and to interact with breathing lights to fill up space with an audio story. The dual-track audio clip mumbles white noises from daily routines, with the breathing lights giving out clues of time-shifting and differences.
We expect that amid speculating the storyline, of two lovers separated in different timezones, intertwined feelings of bittersweet, and twisted comfort can be revealed to our audience. We made a bold try to push the boundary of exposing private emotions, feelings, and trivial life bits to relatively public space but not too much compromise comforts of participants. We expect our audiences are not only observers outside but participants in this private world and feel empathetic to some extent.
We sincerely invite you into this couple's world and imprint your trace, as “this is not defeating an impossible nor pushing limits, but assuring capabilities within us and being able to continue.”
Time lags, but love doesn't.
This clock is inspired by The Order Of Time by Carlo Rovelli, who theorizes that time as we usually imagine it only exists because of a “blurred macroscopic perspective of the world that we encounter as human beings [and that] the distinction between past and future is tied to this blurring and would disappear if we were able to see the microscopic molecular activity of the world.” Along with the thought that humans create time itself, we are tying in quantum mechanics and the idea that nothing exists in a determinate state until an interaction occurs or a measurement is taken. In our clock, the time is indeterminate and blurred until we measure (by looking at the clock) which causes an exact time to be visible.
This year was so special. Standing at the end of 2020 and looking back, COVID was THE topic that no one could ignore. Study remotely and being alone changed the experience of studying in ITP. However, this special experience triggered my inspiration for making something of this topic. Two projects were made with the idea of During Quarantine. One is called New York Sunrise. I made a Sun of the real-time in New York. Due to the time difference, a lot of classes were given at midnight in Beijing. So I was thinking about making another Sun for myself. The other is the Life Cell. It is an interactive light installation that has several light 'cells'. Each cell will light up when audiences get closer to it and reveal a person's life in the cell. When the light inside is off, the audience can see nothing but a blank light shade. We want to use the interaction, getting closer, to express how people long to be connected with others during the quarantine.