
Vajrapani {4 people and a table of sand between them}

Jeff A Sable

Vajrapani is an experience of interconnections in the present moment. It is a group meditation on impermanence and co-operation.


Classes The Nature of Code,Thesis

Vajrapani is an interactive sand table instillation for 1 - 4 persons, which encourages them to experience their individual and group presence as a natural kind of magic. A meditation on fleeting images which parallel the passing of time, like a digital sand mandala, it is the meeting point of a crossroads, and a compass to find our way back - to where we are.

How it works: Have a seat on a cushion. Use your hand to toggle the video triangle in front of you. Triangles only appear if there’s someone on the cushion in front of it. Invite more people to sit with you if you’re all alone. If there are 4 of you together, you form a mandala and timeless counsel of sage advise will emerge. Enjoy the space you cultivate.

Vajrapani is meant to instill a sense of simplicity, wonder and calm in the minds those that experience it. The imagery and interaction chosen represents the immutable and enduring beauty of pure being within each of us as we simultaneously co-create the present moment.