ITP Spring Show 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2-6pm & Monday, May 10, 5-9pm

Andrew Lazarow
Arielle Baio
Kate Watson

Kate Watson, Arielle Baio, Andrew Lazarow

Interactive Teleportation Project is an experiential, multi-sensory installation set inside a simple pup tent.

Comm Lab,Introduction to Computational Media,Introduction to Physical Computing

Interactive Teleportation Project is an experiential, multi-sensory installation set inside a simple pup tent. It utilizes the senses of sight, sound and smell to transport the viewer into an alternate time and place far from our current urban existence.

The moment an audience member opens the tent, a switch turns on the first in a series of projections: a campfire illuminates the walls of the tent, and he or she can both see and smell it. Once safely inside, the viewer is enticed into lying down by a floor composed of sleeping bags and soft pillows.

If he rests his head on the pillow, a night sky projection will be activated, illuminating a wild matrix of stars unlike any possible in nature.

An additional level of interaction will be possible with a “remote control” placed next to the sleeping bag– a simple flashlight that can activate change in the night projection and in the smell that accompanies it. Using the GSVideo library of Processing and brightness tracking, the viewer will will hold the flashlight in his hand, and have the ability to shine the flashlight and turn the night into day as he waves the beam across the video projection. As the video changes, a smell of dandelions and grass (from a hacked Glade air freshener) will accompany this shift in experience, an addition layer of magical realism inside the environment.

These interactions create a sensual, calming experience that transport the audience far from their current environment and into an intimate bubble meant to make every participant consider the powerfully evocative feelings nature can awaken inside all of us.