
Joseph McCagherty


LetsRunNow is a social running app for your smartphone. Seeing your friends running using Geolocation interface on a map gives you incentive to make that first step out the door, to be active, socialize and challenged to run and catch up to them.

After doing research and seeing some simple apps from Google and Facebook to set up times to meet for a picnic or lunch with a group of friends, I was surprised that I could not find an app to log on in real time, just to meet for a run. The existing running apps (none of which are real time) are great to track/record everything from your pace and distance to what you weighed before and after your run. Although I use an app for those purposes I wanted to created something different. There wasn't any inspiration other than my own wants/needs/requirements.

People that are avid runners that sometimes need a little encouragement.

User Scenario
User (runner) logs in before they go for a run. The first screen is a live map of their vicinity, they see themselves and runners (that also are logged in) that they have friended on the site. They can choose to run out the door and maybe catch up to a friend, toggle to the "Friends Running" page to see a photo list of all their logged in connected friends (where ever they are in the world) and or send a note (from a list of stock notes, "I'm on your trail", Looking good" etc.) to logged in friend. The app is about creating a social running environment.

The goal from the begging has been to create an app to submit to Apple and that goal still holds true. My plan is once the app is live on the iPhone the next step is Android. Then add additional sports starting with cycling. Obviously through this process the configuration of the app will change and grow as I receive feedback.

I have learned how to create an iPhone app from an idea to completion - concept, user interface, wireframing, design, coding (phonegap, Xcode), testing.