Arielle Baio
Geetha Pedapati

Getting the Job Done

An interactive installation about war from far away.

Art of the Archive,Materials and Building Strategies

“Getting the Job Done” is part of an ongoing series of works by Arielle Baio and Geetha Pedapati responding to the proliferation of unmanned aircraft and other “long distance” warfare technologies. In this instillation, we are creating a handcrafted book that
showcases the parts of war that are known and celebrated while embedded animations and video reveal the oftentimes unseen physicality of war. The book employs techniques of paper folding and bookmaking to engage the viewer with maps, drawings, and photographs. By turning the pages of the book, the viewer triggers animations and images on the book and in the space, revealing the layered narrative of this topic.
In this project, we ask how the paradigms of war change when we conduct it from hundreds of miles away. How does this change the reality of the solider, the citizen, and the economy that thrives on this technology?
We also consider the vast amount of data being fed to us through these systems, such as the millions of hours of video from drones. We use common sources to create a pastiche of this global experience and offer a time to consider its ramifications.

Team members: Geetha Pedapati & Arielle Baio.
Point person: Geetha Pedapati