VIM – become a 1337 h4x0r


Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 6:45 – 7:45 ::

Room: 50

Instructor: Jaime Charry

Description: See what VIM is, what it can do, and why it’s the best text editor around. We’ll also go through a ‘getting started’ exercise to get comfortable enough to go off on your own.

Prerequisites: Any computer, like, ever. VIM comes installed on most machines.

Intro to Immersive Media


Relevant reference materials:

Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 5:30 – 6:30 ::

Room: 50

Instructor: Anne Goodfriend & Jordan Frand

Description: An overview of the capabilities and limitations of various immersive media, including 360 video, AR, MR and VR.

Prerequisites: None

Video Feed w/ Generative Algorithm

**Workshop Repo:**

Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 4:15 – 5:15 ::

Room: 50

Instructor: Cici Liu

Description: Introduction to some algorithms to make generative visual, such as Perlin Noise, L-systerm, DLA-Simulation, Random Walk, etc; Learning how to bring colors from video feed by using webcam.

Prerequisites: Laptop with built-in webcam or external webcam, Processing installed.



Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 1:30 – 4:00 ::

Room: 50

Instructor: rebecca (marks) leopold

Description: How to tell a story in a single “click”? What decisions go into the tales we tell? This workshop will go over the nuances of photographic seeing and making. From a brief history and overview of the essentials of photo making with an ending emphasis on (360) image making with JavaScript.

Prerequisites: Bring yr computer-machine. We will have some Ricoh Thetas & Canon 5Ds available for students. If interested and haven’t already, install the Ricoh Theta app on yr phone-device.


**Here is the repo:

And (not in the public repo, but potentially useful) 2 files to download photos of all current students: have this in place: current_itp.json , and download with**


Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 10:30 – 1:00 ::

Room: 50

Instructor: Leon Eckert

Description: You will write a python program that: runs through 100s of images very fast, detects all faces, cuts them all out, aligns them all, overlays them all… to create an average face of the whole data set. Great entry to computer vision with python aka powerful stuff.

Prerequisites: Mac OSX. Python 2.7


**These are the slides from today: [slidey-slides]

If you’d like to skip straight to the Chrome Extension example codez:

Cory Forsyth’s emamples from Hacking the Browser are [here]
Dan Shiffman’s examples from A-Z are [here] 

The extension I made for the workshop that swaps every image on the internet with a top-notch ITP gif is [here] (gifs courtesy of Leon) **


Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 6:45 – 7:45 ::

Room: Conference

Instructor: Melanie Hoff

Description: In this workshop we will cover the power of chrome extensions as critical and expressive tools. We’ll break down the structure of chrome extensions and everyone leaves with a set of chrome extension templates to build from.

Prerequisites: 1 laptop with chrome. 1 text-editor.

Arduino & Unity

**here is the github and here are the slides**

Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 5:30 – 6:30 ::

Room: Conference

Instructor: Kevin Stirnweis

Description: In this workshop we will make a simple scene in Unity that we can interact with using an Arduino and a variety of sensors.

Prerequisites: Laptop with Unity and Arduino IDE, Arduino Leonardo with sensors.

DIY Sensors

**github repo:**

Time/Date: Wednesday Jan 18th :: 4:15 – 5:15 ::

Room: Conference

Instructor: Renata Gaui

Description: This is a workshop on how to use conductive textile materials make your own sensors. We’ll be experimenting creative ways of arranging conductive thread and then using them as capacitive sensors that will give you a pretty good range of values to play with.

Prerequisites:  Arduino IDE + Arduino w/ breadboard, 10M Ohms , jumper & alligator clips wires, & a mulitmeter