Blog and site creation with Hugo, an easy to use, fast, and reliable alternative to WordPress

Time/Date: Jan 19, 12 noon – 1PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Dan


Have you ever wanted to scream at your computer when you’re up late at night, your blog post is due the next day, and dreamhost won’t let you upload any of those amazing pictures you took of your own project? This workshop will free you from the shackles of unreliable shared hosting and the bloated WordPress platform into the modern age of fast, free, and reliable static blog generation with Hugo. It will go through how to:

* Setup a hugo blog or site from scratch, and import a theme.

* Host it for free on github pages, and point a custom domain to it.

* Create and edit content in markdown and release it to the public.

* Embed content such as vimeo videos or 3d models.

* Upload and manage media such as images and videos through git.

* Customize the theme.


Crafting high-quality code and the dark art of refactoring.

Time/Date: Jan 20, 3:30PM – 4:30PM

Room: Room 50

Instructor: Dan


Quite often we come back to code that we wrote late at night which looks like a big jargon of nonsense and wonder – what the f was I thinking? Where is this bug occurring and how can I ever fix it? This workshop will go through best practices for writing beautiful code that is less prone to errors, and easy to understand and debug.  It will teach why, when and how to refactor your code to be cleaner, and easier to modify in response to new or changing features.

This workshop is useful both for experienced developers and those new to programming. It will go through:

  • When and why to create a function, and characteristics of high-quality functions
  • Best practices for naming variables and functions.
  • Where to declare variables and initialize them depending on their purpose
  • How to write code that is protected from unexpected errors
  • How to establish a consistent style (and why it’s important).
  • Hands-on examples of refactoring code that is impossible to understand to something that’s sexy and easy to read.


Creating highly interactive web applications with react

Time/Date: Jan 20, 11AM – 1PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Barak and Dan


Some of the topics:

* Explain what react is, why it’s great to work with, and why it’s so in-demand as a skill

* Discuss the web before React and web application frameworks.

* Explain the React rendering engine and JSX format

* Talk about all the platforms that react supports (react-dom, react-native, react-three, svg, etc).

* Show what is possible with examples of prominent React projects.

* Go through what a React component is, and its lifecycle.

* Explain the difference between state and props.

* Get a view of the landscape of other frameworks that work with react, like redux, graphql, reselect, react-router.

* Talk about the react development environment, and tools, such as webpack, live reloading and react-dev-tools

* Help get a basic react app up from scratch using create-react-app.  

Workshop deliverables:

* Install and get create-react-app working

* Follow basic examples, extend and modify

* Create sub components and manage data flow

* Create an interesting interaction from a subcomponent

* Create reusable parameterized components


Make your Own Controllers for Unity

Time/Date: Jan 20, 5PM – 7PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Regina


This is a basic introduction on two ways in which you can use serial communciation between an Arduino and Unity 2017 to control a game object. No previous experience in Unity is required, I will walk you through a process I learnt for one of my last semester´s finals and hopefully lay the ground for your coding/pcombing wizardness to take off.


– Unity 2017 installed and running
– Arduino IDE installed and running
– Have this circuit ready on an Arduino UNO(attached), you can substitute the pot with any other analog sensor you want to experiment with
– An Arduino Micro or Leonardo and two push buttons we will do the circuit in class.

Image Processing with Python

Time/Date: Jan 20, 2:30PM – 4:30PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Koji


In this workshop, we will learn how to deal with python. For example, how to create a grayscale image with a few lines. We will also do somethingcrazy lol.

For doing that we will use Pillow which is a famous python library and if all attendees can finish install opencv, I will cover it a little bit. Example:


Install python 2or 3, but in the workshop I will use python3. Install pip then install pillow. If you don’t want hit python to execute programs, I recommend you to install jupyter notebook which is an interactive python dev environment.

Logical storytelling workflow for the creative mind

Time/Date: Jan 20, 1:30PM – 2:30PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Ryan


This class looks at classic Hollywood story structure and techniques to help artists find and make informed decisions about their work. From the elevator pitch to log lines, gimmicks and morals this class will look at different parts of the creative process and strategize ways to finding what you really want to say in a work.


The Pirates of Show Business: A Survey of the Entertainment Industry From Disney to Jobs

Time/Date: Jan 20, 5PM – 7PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Ryan


Selznick stole actors from MGM with movies. Disney stole movies from Selznick with animation. Jobs stole media with the iPod. Netflix stole the iPod with streaming. The hustle in Show Business is that, like all businesses, it’s always changing. However, if you work in show business you better be entertaining. This course looks at famous moguls and what you can learn from their successes, failures, and personal mythologies to find the entrepreneur in you. Fasten your seatbelt because it’s going to be a bumpy ride!


Concrete – A Makers’ Material

Time/Date: Jan 20, 1:30 PM – 3:30PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Amitabh


Concrete is the single most widely used material in the world. And yet there are very few examples of DIY projects utilizing it. This course will teach you to make everything from electronics enclosures and stands to light and magnetic sculptures out of concrete. We will learn the different types of commonly available cement, go into a bit of materials science, and then go right into making. We’ll make magnetic sculptures, embed lights and touch sensors in concrete and even make concrete foam! All the while discussing real-world experience, problems, and solutions while making with concrete.


You don’t have to bring anything but your hands and mind to this class. We’ll have demos for most of the casting techniques and everyone will be able to do at least one casting during the class. Be ready to get your hands dirty!

Openframeworks and Creative Coding

Time/Date: Jan 20, 11AM-1PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Koji


In this workshop, we will learn how to create a particle system with openFramewokrs.

In addition, we will play with Data(json/csv) and visualize data and also learn how to use add-ons.


People have to install openFrameworks(v0.9.8)

Mac people need to install Xcode

Windows people need to install Visual Studio

Everyone should know how to draw shapes with P5js/Processing.

Deep Learn Web

Time/Date: Jan 20, 5PM – 8PM

Room: Room 50

Instructor: Yining and Cristobal


This workshop will be focused on doing deep learning in the browser with javascript. We will use p5ML(, an experimental library that does not require any setup tools or complicated frameworks to install. This will be a beginners friendly workshop and no previous knowledge of machine learning is require. Although, some basic experience with javascript would be helpful.


Just bring your laptop with a code editor in it.