Maps in Javascript

Time/Date: Jan 20, 1:30PM – 2:30PM

Room: Room 50

Instructor: Cristobal


We will go over how to work with maps and different map libraries in javascript. Then we will add data and visualize it! We will work with p5 but will also cover maps using other frameworks.

This session is ideal if you want to learn how to visualize data in the world


just a laptop!

Digital Subversion

Time/Date: Jan 19, 7PM – 8PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Alden


The internet has become driven by the extraction of wealth from categorization and commoditization of its users and the data they generate. The practice of “having an identity on the internet” now seems more for the benefit of state and corporate actors who want to surveill and data mine than it does is for the network user. I identify three art strategies – obfuscation, overidentification, and defamiliarization – currently being used by media artists and design futurists that subvert the surveillor/user power structure and make suggestions for the incorporation of those strategies into your own work.


This would require no prior knowledge.

Intro to Touch Designer

Time/Date: Jan 19, 5PM – 7PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Sam


This workshop is an introduction to building interactive installations and audio visual experiences in the Touch Designer environment. Touch Designer is an ideal environment for students to rapidly develop sophisticated and advanced installations. This course will introduce students to Touch Designer as well as the basic concepts and processes needed to get started in this environment.

The workshop will take the form of an interactive demonstration.  I’ll be showing how to do things with Touch such as: basic animations, video effects, interactive-audio, projection mapping and working with dmx lighting.

Students will benefit from having read something about Touch designer, and having it installed so they can inspect the nodes and look around (although very optional).


Students would benefit from (although optional):
Installing touch designer (
Reading the ‘Basics’ chapter in Elburz Sorkhabi’s free online book ‘Introduction to Touch Designer’ (

Philosophical Realism & the Creation of Radical Phenomena

Time/Date: Jan 19, 3:30PM – 4:30PM

Room: Shop

Instructor: Will


A philosophical lecture! I’ll give an overview of the widespread contemporary turn towards realism across continental philosophy, critical race theory, feminism, and post-colonial studies with an emphasis on Gilles Deleuze’s (1925-1995) conception of the ‘idea’. The core message of the talk is the important possibility of breaking the affective routines of patriarchal neoliberal capitalism by creating phenomena, new radical pathways through sense. We’ll cover technological and cultural examples such as the phonograph and the turntable, the crip walk and the hand-sign, yvonne ranier’s performance art, and vice news’ vr coverage of the millions march. Time will be taken at the end of open ended discussion.


Controlling “Real” Lightbulbs with Arduino

Time/Date: Jan 19, 1:30PM – 3:30PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Yeseul


Have you wanted to control “real” light bulbs, not tiny LEDs? Have you been wondering how to control AC (Alternating Current) using Arduino? If so, this course is for you! The course will teach how to automatically turn on/off and dim incandescent light bulbs using Arduino. You will learn the easiest way to control light bulbs and how it works so you can use for your projects right away. Imagine you control light bulbs with music, movement, temperature, time, force, or your voice—any input you want!

We will go over the basic electronics and Arduino programming for this project together. I will also briefly talk about different solutions you can adopt, including how to build a custom circuit board for controlling light bulbs.


Just bring your curious mind💡 and your laptop! And Arduino, if you have one in your locker.

Eco & Budget Friendly Reusable Molds and Enclosures

Time/Date: Jan 19, 3:30PM – 4:30PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Katya


How to make paper maché molds instead of expensive, toxic molds for enclosures.
I’ll demonstrate how to create clay and balloon models and concoct a good texture paper maché mush out of bills (preferably unpaid), receipts, egg cartons and other paper packaging.

Circuit Designing: Are you Board

Time/Date: Jan 19, 1:30PM – 3:30PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Rushali


How do I get my p-comp project off the breadboard?
What are the stage of prototyping within the realms of hardware!
The hard lab is too hard .. Where do I begin!
I didn’t get into homemade hardware, HELP!!
This will be a workshop on how to make design circuits for your projects, do some strength testing, and tips and tricks around the hardlab!

p.s – this is NOT a KiCAD/EAGLE tutorial workshop 🙂


1. Bring your p-comp project circuits
2. Bring a laptop
3. Download KiCAD or EAGLE

Intro to Openframeworks and C++

Time/Date: Jan 19, 11AM – 1PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Oren


A gentle introduction to openFrameworks, a C++ creative coding toolkit.

We will cover:

– how to create a project using the project generator

– some of the basics of the core OF library that are useful for animation and image processing

– how to include addons in your project, e.g. for working with OpenCV

– some parts of C++ that are useful to know for working in OF, such as types, header files, vectors, classes & structs, and maybe pointers and memory management if there’s time

– the openFrameworks documentation and reading the source code

– additional resources for learning


You should bring a computer, and it’d be great if you could download and set up openFrameworks beforehand, as it’ll save a lot of time if everyone is ready to go at the start.

You can download openFrameworks here: page also contains setup guides for OS X, Linux, and Windows.

If you’re running OS X, I recommend using XCode as your IDE:

If you have questions about setting up OF, you can email me at