Blog and site creation with Hugo, an easy to use, fast, and reliable alternative to WordPress

Time/Date: Jan 19, 12 noon – 1PM

Room: Conf Room

Instructor: Dan


Have you ever wanted to scream at your computer when you’re up late at night, your blog post is due the next day, and dreamhost won’t let you upload any of those amazing pictures you took of your own project? This workshop will free you from the shackles of unreliable shared hosting and the bloated WordPress platform into the modern age of fast, free, and reliable static blog generation with Hugo. It will go through how to:

* Setup a hugo blog or site from scratch, and import a theme.

* Host it for free on github pages, and point a custom domain to it.

* Create and edit content in markdown and release it to the public.

* Embed content such as vimeo videos or 3d models.

* Upload and manage media such as images and videos through git.

* Customize the theme.


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