IMA Low Res aims to attract an international and diverse group of highly motivated self-directed students including teachers, artists, creatives, policy-makers and other working professionals who would like to augment an existing career path or forge into new territories of professional or personal development. The program is also appropriate for students seeking a global academic experience that will provide opportunities to explore topics and issues of individual significance across a range of stimulating environments. While technical and/or artistic experience are welcomed, people from all background and experience levels are encouraged to apply. The strength of the community, and its predecessors, rests in the diversity of talents and perspectives that come together under the umbrella of a single program. 


What are we looking for?

This program, like the ITP and IMA cultures from which it derives, is a creative, multidisciplinary environment in which diversity is valued and collaboration is encouraged. A background in art, design or computer programming is not required for acceptance into the program. We are looking for applicants from a diverse range of undergraduate educational and professional backgrounds who want a first-hand understanding of the production and implications of interactive media systems, from the devices and networks on which they run to the range of expressive possibilities which they afford. Demonstrating an interest in real-world challenges along with a desire to investigate current aesthetic, social, political and ethical issues is encouraged.

Acceptance into the IMA Low Res program is equally competitive as the ITP program. We are looking for 32 imaginative, ambitious and generous students to join the cohort each year. Enrollment is limited to applicants who show exceptional promise and are interested in collaboration and experimentation. Students must be able to commit to the full program of one summer session in New York (5 weeks), one January session in Berlin (3 weeks), one summer session in Shanghai (5 weeks), and two remote semesters in the Fall and Spring. During the in-person sessions, the expectation is that your work-day time will be fully dedicated to the program. During the remote sessions, there will be more flexibility with your time and schedule.

Tuition Cost & Financial Aid

Students from all stages in their careers are welcome to apply for graduate study in interactive media at IMA Low Res. However at any stage, affordability is probably the biggest hurdle for students to be able to attend graduate school. A main priority of the department is to work with all of our students, including international students, to create a feasible financial plan that will make graduate study at IMA Low Res more accessible to a wide range of students.


Please refer to the NYU Bursar’s website for updated tuition costs. The following is the finalized cost in USD per term for the 2023-2024 Academic Year of tuition and registration/services fees:

TermLocationCreditsTuition (USD)Fees (USD)Tuition+Fees
Summer 2023New York9$20,282$279$20,561
Fall 2023Online7$16,751$0$16,751
J-Term 2024Berlin3$7,179$0$7,179
Spring 2024Online7$16,751$0$16,751
Summer 2024Shanghai6$14,358$0$14,358
Total32 Credits$74,191$74,470

*This does not include traveling & housing costs to the three global sites.

Departmental Scholarship & Financial Aid

All U.S. applicants who are 1) accepted and 2) filed the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), will receive a financial aid package from NYU. U.S. applicants are strongly urged to complete the FAFSA by January 15.

Open House

Contact IMA Low Res

General Inquiry

New York 
(+1) 212-998-1882
Midori Yasuda:

ITP/IMA, Tisch School of the Arts
370 Jay Street, 4th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201

(+86) 21-20595924
Yaoyao Zhuang: 
Office of Graduate and Advanced Education, NYU Shanghai
567 West Yangsi Road, South Building, 2nd Floor 
Pudong New District, Shanghai, China 200124


What is ITP, IMA and IMA Low Res?

IMA Low Res is the newest Master’s program created jointly between ITP at Tisch School of the Arts and IMA at NYU Shanghai. This new program aims to provide an environment for makers of all stripes to explore the application and implication of new technologies in art, science, engineering, design and the humanities. It also aims to provide a more affordable and flexible format for graduate study by experimenting with formats beyond the traditional residential program structure. It does so through a series of intensive, immersive residencies spread across three NYU locations combined with online virtual classes and resources. 

Can you be more specific about the difference between this IMA Low Res and the ITP graduate program?

Both IMA Low Res and ITP are graduate programs offering Master’s degrees with classes small by design (12-16 students). ITP is a 2-year, full-time graduate program that requires 60 credits to complete the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) degree. An MPS is accepted as a “terminal degree” when applying for teaching positions at universities. The ITP student experience in New York is very community oriented with all of the classes meeting in-person.

The two years at ITP allows for a wider and deeper research-oriented exploration, with enough time to find and follow unexpected ideas. Also, the larger student body at ITP allows for a greater diversity of curriculum and communities where people and classes have the time and space to forge into radical terrain. The sustained structure and discipline of the two-year collaborative residential experience leads to extremely deep relationships with the ideas, practices and most importantly people in the program.

In comparison, the Low Res is a 1-year, 32 credit program that grants a Master of Arts (MA) degree jointly from the Tisch School of the Arts and NYU Shanghai. The Low Res program requires study abroad in 3 different locations (Shanghai, Berlin and NYC) as well as online semesters during the Fall and Spring terms where students return to their home countries. Connecting the global locations increases the value for students as they benefit from the human network and diversity of contexts. Our colleagues across these sites have forged strong, ongoing relationships and community partnerships with local industry, non-profit organizations, cultural organizations, artists, designers, developers, thinkers, maker communities and more.

Given the smaller cohort of students and the 12-month sequence of three in-person plus two remote sessions, the curriculum for IMA Low Res is more directed than what is regularly offered at ITP. It still provides students with ample room for personalized exploration and self-directed learning, but the courses are more curated than the traditional residential program and designed specifically for students in the Low Res. 

The intensive in-person sessions involve full-time commitment and students are expected to be wholly dedicated to the program during this time. The remote sessions, while maintaining a high-level of academic rigor and work-load, aim to allow students to continue professional pursuits in parallel with their studies and course work.

I still can’t decide if I should apply to ITP or IMA Low Res. Can you give me any suggestions? 

The IMA Low Res is a great option for working professional students who cannot take 2 full-time years away from their careers or homes. It’s also a great option for students who have the desire and flexibility to study in locations around the world and also have the discipline to stay focused during the online semesters to continue with their studies and hands-on project development. The program serves to enhance and augment an individual’s existing career path as well as lay a foundation to pursue new paths of interest. A strength of this program is that it allows students to build upon a professional foundation they have set for themselves and extend their reach into new terrain.

Students interested in creative approaches to design and education will find this program especially fertile ground for continued work and research. Also, students who may have an existing area of inquiry or professional goal will be able to leverage the program as scaffolding to offer cross-cultural insights and global context towards their own interests. Integrating personal and professional experience will be welcomed throughout the program.

Do I need technical or design skills before applying to the IMA Low Res program?

No! Both ITP and IMA Low Res do not require applicants to be a programmer or designer before applying to the program(s). In fact, the more diverse your background the better! We would love to see dancers, poets, philosophers, lawyers, biologists, tinkerers, actors, policy-makers, musicians as well as programmers and designers all mix together and make something creative using interactive technologies. The technical skills and “learning how to code” are incorporated into the curriculum.

The focus of the program is not solely on applied skills though. Rather, we want our students to explore and analyze interactive media from a humanistic, environmental, and communications perspective. Cultivating thoughts, ideas and conversations around the development, use and implications of the technology is the goal, not a fluency in any one specific tool.

Can I take classes at ITP or transfer into ITP after finishing IMA Low Res?

The IMA Low Res and ITP are separate standalone programs. Students will not be able to cross-enroll in classes outside of their designated program. The Low Res curriculum and schedule has been designed specifically for its students and will be dedicated only to students enrolled in the MA degree. Also, students in either program will not be eligible to transfer credits towards a degree in the other.

However, it’s also worth noting that during the Fall and Spring remote semesters, IMA Low Res students will continue to have the privilege to access both the ITP Facility in New York and the IMA Facility in Shanghai. Collaborations between current ITP, IMA, and IMA Low Res students, faculty and residents are welcomed and encouraged. 

As a non-US student, can I stay in New York for the remote Fall Semester as well?

For the summer session in New York, non-US students enter the United States via an F-1 Visa. This visa allows for entry up to 30 days prior to the start date of the program and an exit date of up to 60 days after the program end date. Please contact us directly if you have questions specific to your own situation or status.

Is IMA Low Res a STEM Program? As an international student, will I have work privileges (e.g. OPT, CPT) in the US after graduation?
What does the diploma look like, and which graduation ceremonies do IMA Low Res students attend?