Category Archives: Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)


JungHyun Moon

This piece is a new media installation, responding composed sound with my own narrative story. Colorful ink drips into water and expresses beautiful “natural” pattern. However, it will not last long and become dull. It will become transparent again by the decolorization of Ozone. This cycle repeats continuously.


This piece is about the cycles in our life.

Dripping ink into water draws abstract and spectacular colorful patterns in the water container, and it represents exciting and hilarious moments with progress and achievements in our life.

While mixed with other ink, the colors of ink will loose their own vivid colors and become dark gray, as most of honor, glory, happiness, and love in the world will fade away.

However, it will become transparent again by decolorizing with Ozone. This phase says the moment of overcoming emptiness with new motivation and stimulation.

This process will repeat constantly.


Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)

Resonant Bodies

Thomas Broderick

Experience a singer's voice through vibrations in your own body.


Sit with a singer while they perform classical indian vocal music and experience the resonant bodies involved in the mechanics of the human voice. With wearable technology, the vibrations moving through the vocalist's body are transferred to the same places in the listener's body allowing them to connect more deeply with the physical act of singing. Resonant Bodies is an observation of the vocal techniques involved in indian ragas, which pay special attention to the movement of vibration through the body and are used to activate subtle energies in the performer.


Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow), Rest of You


Joelle Fleurantin

THREADBARE is an installation where the viewer must navigate a physical space to discover the narrative unfolding visibly and invisibly, within and without.


THREADBARE is a story about a woman coming to terms with her self and her identity. The Woman is of a web, but not The Web. She exists in a space that is at once boundless and bounded by herself. Viewers navigate this space, tripping invisible threads (sensors) that reveal the images and the moments she struggles to hide.
The viewer's interaction mimics the The Woman's dialogue with herself; she fears intimacy yet as the viewer moves closer more of her story and self is revealed.


Bridging Worlds: Constructing the Immersive Space, Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)

What’s your secret?

Azure Tianran Qian  錢天然

As an experimental of non-linear story telling, the project contains the documentary film in an interactive wooden box, which has the memory-ralated objects that assembled in a poetic way.


“What’s Your Secret” is an augmented reality installation that shares the stories of elderly woman. In the installation, the audience is presented with boxes and mementos, each with a live portrait and objects of the subject.

The stories revealed in the box share life’s experiences – good and bad – give people a choice of hearing the different parts of the story over time.


Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow), Surveillance Documentary, Thesis

Mnemonic Table

Saki Hayashi

Mnemonic Table is a smart building sets which memorises all the past configurations, display them online and connects social networking.


By creating different combinations of a piece of space, the players can develop their spatial language and poetry making ability, as well as social skills with other players. The players can place landscapes, people, and animals and keep displaying it in your house.

Initially what inspired me to create “Mnemonic Table” was the game of the chess. Specifically, the fact that there are so many people that have created various versions of the same figurines that represent the same pieces of play. The popularity of the game involves much more than just the theory behind it: tactile feedback, the materiality, the shape and the appearance of pieces also play a great role. Consequentially, architectural toys have always been quite popular from childhood to adulthood such as Eams’ ‘House of Cards’, Terada Mokei, and Legos. I wanting to create a new architectural educational-tech toy, as I am wondering why there are not more that are not more that exist at present.


Live Image Processing and Performance, Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)

Sammy the Social Mediator

Devin Curry

Fight your addiction to your smartphone by storing it in this electronic lock box, which requires two people to open.


This project explores modern society's increasing urge to pay attention to one's smart phone rather than interact with live human beings. To control your urges to constantly check your phone, lock it in the case. The case's LCD screen displays inspirational quotes to help you feel better about being separated from your device, as well as a timer to keep track of your self-control. When you are ready to retrieve your phone from the case, you will need to ask another person a helping hand; the specially-arranged button array requires all buttons to be pushed at the same time to reopen the case.


Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)