Category Archives: JungHyun Moon


JungHyun Moon

This piece is a new media installation, responding composed sound with my own narrative story. Colorful ink drips into water and expresses beautiful “natural” pattern. However, it will not last long and become dull. It will become transparent again by the decolorization of Ozone. This cycle repeats continuously.


This piece is about the cycles in our life.

Dripping ink into water draws abstract and spectacular colorful patterns in the water container, and it represents exciting and hilarious moments with progress and achievements in our life.

While mixed with other ink, the colors of ink will loose their own vivid colors and become dark gray, as most of honor, glory, happiness, and love in the world will fade away.

However, it will become transparent again by decolorizing with Ozone. This phase says the moment of overcoming emptiness with new motivation and stimulation.

This process will repeat constantly.


Project Development Studio (Marina Zurkow)

Sculpting Data into Everyday Objects

Esther Cheung, Amanda Gelb, Alejandro Puentes Amezquita, Alexander Whitehurst, Andrew Cerrito, Batu Sayici, Danqing Wang, Inpyo Chang, Jacob Wilkinson, Jinyi Fu, JungHyun Moon, Kate Godwin, Nevena Kocic, Pamela Liou, Qingyuan Chen, Tan Ma, WoonYung Choi, Xinyi Deng, Yiyang Liang, Yu Ji

This course challenges students to combine three technologies – object-oriented programming, 3D modeling and digital fabrication – toward making an everyday data object.


Sculpting Data into Everyday Objects is designed, on the one hand, as pure creative experimentation with technical tools, and on the other hand, as exercise in critical thinking and conceptual strategy. The ultimate goal of this course for each student, in attempting to converge these two processes, to develop a dual attitude towards technology that will empower them to master any tool as a vehicle for expression.


Sculpting Data into Everyday Objects