Bike The Shining Hallway in VR

Nikolaj Petersen

The experience aims to put you inside the kid from 'The Shining", Danny Torrance's shoes. As you bike through hallways in an arbitrary basement, YOU play the central role by pedaling your way through the sometimes realistic, sometimes eery and maybe uncomfortable experience.


This project attempts to redesign the Hallway Scene from Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining'. I am interested in integrating a bodily activity into the experience of watching a film and investigated production scenarios that can make that happen. My project explores Virtual Reality as an inevitable forthcoming medium and questions what VR adds and changes in a film narrative. My experimental experience attempts to trick your senses, put you inside the shoes of Danny Torrance and ultimately ask –what else is possible?




Teresa Lamb

My project is a garment that translates the natural rhythm of knitting into sound in order to connect the wearer more deeply to their process.


Will cyborgs knit? Cyberknitics is the study of how emerging technology can enhance – not replace – the experience of making something by hand. Crafting is calming, healing, communal, expressive and empowering. It fills a basic human desire that transcends its utility. My work explores what it means to be a crafter now, and what it will mean in the future.

My project is a harness-like vestment that translates the motion of knitting into sound. As someone who knits, I have become increasingly interested in how to capture and convey the natural rhythm of the craft. The music is meant to inspire a stronger connection between the knitter and their process, and to invite the audience to engage with the spiritual practice of creating something from nothing.




Hub Uy

CropTXT is a network of sensors that aims to help farmers conserve water and at the same time, make farming more convenient.


Rice yield potential has been slowly decreasing in the Philippines and other neighboring Southeast Asian countries in recent years due to climate change. The decline in yield is mainly attributable to the El Nino phenomenon, a drought affecting arable land for a minimum of 3 months, making water for agriculture increasingly scarce.

Rice culture requires a tremendous amount of water compared to other crops. According to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), it takes an average 5,000 liters of water to produce 1 kg of rice. It is estimated that by 2025, 15-20 million hectares of irrigated rice will suffer from some degree of water scarcity that will result in rice shortage all over South-East Asia. This shortage is a big issue for the Philippines and other neighboring developing countries that depend on rice – as a food staple, a source of income, or both.

CropTXT is a network of sensors that aims to help farmers conserve water and at the same time, make farming more convenient.

First, the farmer sticks wireless, GSM-based sensors on the ground. From there, the sensors analyze soil conditions and the amount of water the crops need. After irrigation, the water level will gradually decrease. When the water level has dropped to 15 cm below the soil surface, CropTXT will alert the farmer to re-flood the field. Once re-flooding of 5 cm is reached, CropTXT will again send another SMS to alert the farmer to stop irrigating.

According to IRRI, allowing the water in the field to drop 15 cm below the surface before irrigating again is called “Safe Alternate Wetting-Drying (Safe AWD).” The process of Safe AWD that CropTXT simulates will not cause any yield decline since the roots of the rice plants will be able to take in water from the saturated soil, and at the same time, resulting in 25% water savings.




Sweta Mohapatra

A mobile augmented reality game based in the Metropolitan Museum of Art


MetQuest is a mobile augmented reality game built for the Met's Greek and Roman Exhibit. Players become Greek heroes trying to achieve immortality. They must “talk” to the statues in the collection using their phones by selecting conversation choices. Their choices dictate how the story unfolds, so every player gets an individual experience.



Sun Chaser

Melissa Jinu Kang

Our modern metropolitan lifestyle contributes to a growing population trend towards vitamin D deficiency. SunChaser is an "Internet of Things" application that gathers your sunlight exposure data from a wearable and translates that into a wall mounted lamp.


SunChaser encourages people to become more conscious of the benefits of sunlight and the healthy amount of sunlight they need. Several features of geography and modern lifestyle have converged to limit average exposure to sunlight and contribute to a growing population trend toward vitamin D deficiency. Those affected the most usually live in a busy metropolitan areas in northern latitudes. SunChaser is an “Internet of Things” application that responds to your sunlight exposure by gathering data from a wearable and translating that data into a wall hanging lamp installation.



Inner Art

Boram Kim

An art installation that moves a participant towards a meditative state by visually reflecting the participant’s inner state.


This art installation interprets a participants’ bio data on a physical canvas mapped with LEDs. The visual experience guides the participant to a meditative state through the projection of relaxing movements and shadows. Maintaining good mental health is an important factor in improving the quality of our lives. Research proves that meditation is a great technique in alleviating and restoring medical conditions, like depression. As the individual interacts with a sensor plate, the white canvas visualizes their pulse data. Shortly after the participant's heart rate is detected, the flat fabric wall comes to life with different sized circles extruding out towards the participant. These movements will nudge the participant into following a recommended breathing pattern. With subtle guidance, the installation will help individuals feel positive and calm.

The moving parts consist of 25 organic shapes that are laser cut with acrylic and placed behind the fabric. As they move outwards, they will stretch the spandex fabric material and create a beautiful dynamic visualization at the speed of an ideal breathing pattern. Light above the installation helps create different illusions throughout the meditative experience.

In the connection between users and the installation, there are more than 160 LED's mapped behind the fabric to show each individual’s pulse data.

The production stage included design planning; sensor testing; fabricating the front and back part of the installation; and coding for the perfect pulse mapping and movement. The installation was showcased within Tisch, open for public viewing and testing on April 23.



Call Me Refugee

Magdalena Kovarik

A mixed media VR documentary collage about a young man that escaped from Syria – this is the narrative of a transition: the unique story of a person who became 'a refugee'.


Call Me Refugee is a mixed media VR documentary about a young man that escaped from Syria. This is the narrative of a transition – the unique story of a person who became 'a refugee'. The conversation is carried through a collage of images, videos and virtual moments. It is an artistic as well as a journalistic narrative that aims to break through people’s numbness for information and human tragedy. By telling the unique story of Salah, a twenty-five year old man from Aleppo, I hope to humanize humans and fight against the objectification of individuals affected by the current refugee crisis. Over many hours of Skype, Whatsapp and email, Salah told me his story of a long journey that carried him over seven borders, many asylums and a loss of identity. “Now we all have the same name: Refugee” he once told me. Listening to the conversation between two strangers that became friends, the audience wanders through a collage of popping up emails, personal and historic photographs, maps and 3D models. This project is the portray of a person, as well as a story about our globalized world. Where two people meet between the internet and reality.

What makes this project particularly interesting in a VR environment is the spatial possibilities that it offers. It is a dialog between two people that are far away from each other. Locating them on two different sides while keeping the viewer in the middle, this aspect of location and distance can get experienced. The space between the two of them is filled by the story with it’s pictures, videos and maps. In this virtual world emails pop up and the flat sunset on the Skype screen turns into a 360° video of a sunset behind the New York Skyline. 3D scans show the two ends of the internet: my desk and my view inside this computer, inside his world, and his desk, his perspective.




Justin Peake

Figure is a new way to direct musical ensembles using an interface of networked screens.<br /><br /><br />
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Figure utilizes websockets and custom assembled digital screens to achieve a new tool for music composition and performance, opening up new possibilities in balancing notated music and improvisation. I am building a new web app as well as assembling and integrating custom screens/ raspberry pi system to replace traditional sheet music.


Thesis, 100 Days of Making