
Michael Kripchak

A VR short that puts you in the perspective of the ingredients as a meal is being made.


The full piece will allow the audience to choose between experiencing a salad being made (linked in video documentation) or a burger (which is the Project URL YouTube link). We use a Gear VR for viewing the 360 video. For the interaction, we are using Wonda VR and gaze detection.

Work to be completed: Info popups using Wonda VR 360 video editing software. Sound Spatialization using the Reaper DAW.


Directing Virtual Reality, Directing Virtual Reality

No Exit

Oriana Neidecker

Simulation theory virtual reality piece combining 360 video and Unreal gaming Engine.


A 360 video embedded in Unreal. The viewer puts on the headset and finds themselves in a psychiatrist's office. They look down and see a body (a mannequin). The doctor tells them they've been complaining about hallucinations and then they revisit a memory together. The memory takes place in a bar and glitches start occurring. People start disappearing in the room and things get weirder and weirder. Then they viewer finds themselves back in the psychiatrist's office before the whole world fractures apart around them revealing that they've been in the Unreal world the whole time. They find out they've been sentenced to prison to live in a simulation of their own personal hell.


Directing Virtual Reality

Brooklyn Horror Story

Alexander Zimmer

A part-live action, part-animated, virtual reality experience about gentrification in central Brooklyn. A collaboration between Grad Film & ITP.


you enter into a park emptying of people as a film begins to play on the projector. the sun is setting and you feel as though everyone is leaving and you are the only one left. as the film continues, buildings begin to fall off the street and others grow in their place, if you turn around you will see lifeless characters arrive to sit and watch the film. a plethora of experiences, aesthetic and story-driven, are meant to give you a feeling of loss and replacement.


Directing Virtual Reality, Directing Virtual Reality

Normal Day

Alexia Kyriakopoulou

A social experiment of physical connection through an emotional VR experience.


“Normal day” is an interactive documentary virtual reality experience that explores the interrelated dynamics of trauma, empathy and connection. Inside the experience, the user witnesses an autobiographical monologue performed by performance artist Tatiana Kot regarding her experiences with breast cancer and double mastectomy. In one part of the film Tatiana asks the viewer to grab her hand. If the user reaches out for her hand and grabs the other viewer's hand the story continues if not she just fades. This is a small “social experiment” to see if people have the need to connect with each other in the first place in an environment where one of its flaws is that it is considered isolating and lonely.


Directing Virtual Reality

Wilde Eastern VR

Chris Hall

Wilde Eastern is a film noir, cinematic virtual reality experience. Depending on how observant you are in a missing person's case, you may get a different ending from your counterparts


This project is a interdepartmental collaboration between both the Graduate Film Department and the Graduate Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at New York University. As such there is a partnership made between two students from each department as co-creators of the story. Additionally, they will fulfill their specific roles in the project in accordance with their perspective disciplines. We are also excited to include several high level industry professionals as creative partners. Thus this project is representation of the collaborative process and experimental nature of technology and storytelling.


Directing Virtual Reality, Directing Virtual Reality