The Big You

Yihan Chen

Our visual decisions tend to be influenced by our personal experiences


When seeing a peach, some people may think of a butt. Two different things tend to be seen as the same sometimes, which is because when we are seeing, our brains are also “seeing” and drawing things that are similar. Our visual decisions tend to be influenced by our personal experiences. If we see a part of something, we will try to “fill in the blank” of the rest with our existing experience. When media tries to depict part of something, or through post-processing, they can make it look like another thing.


Live Image Processing and Performance, Readymades

Mirages : Light Experiments

Hayeon / Hayley Hwang, Yeseul Song

Interactive light installation which creates illusions on the wall using multiple DMX lights


Mirages: Light Experiments is an interactive light installation which creates illusions on the wall using multiple DMX lights. The project invites audiences to a playful and imaginative world formed with lights where they can manipulate mirages by moving their body.


Light and Interactivity, Nature of Code (Animation and Physics)

The Screaming Sun

Mithru Vigneshwara

The Screaming Sun is a noise/music-making analog circuit that gets power and signal from light – no batteries, no code.


The Screaming Sun is the result of a personal exploration into analog circuits, solar power, and music/noise generation. It's a musical/noise instrument that is electronic but has no batteries. It uses light to be powered. In addition, it also uses light to adjust the pitch of sound produced. The light that affects the pitch is literally the light of a mobile device's screen that can be manipulated by the composer using it.




Jarone A Wright

Illuminated Acrylic Layer Art Science Fiction


Acrylic sheets are reproducible but unique once it's been modified. Most of the time if you make a mistake with acrylic, it is wasted.

I wanted to explore the world of acrylic art by creating a composition using various colored acrylic sheets and lighting to remake a digital painting. Digital painting is done in layers and so there are some similarities but also many more differences on what can be done artistically.

I translated my illustration from a digital medium to digital fabrication. I used various color of acrylic to create a hanging wall “painting”. Depth will be easily detected in this sort of piece. Also the lighting will play a larger roll in this piece as opposed to displaying on a screen or printing it. I think this part will be very significant for a viewer. For a novice, it's hard to imagine what will work, especially when taking into account the physics of materials being worked on. You can't just suspend an object in the image, so have to plan from the ground up. Even its opaqueness will affect everything below and above it.

So in the end, acrylic sheets, nuts and bolts, led lighting and a few surface wounds from plastic sums up this final. I am looking forward for the chance to show off this work. But I also want to see how this can further evolve. Maybe acrylic will just be the stepping stone to something else.


Piecing it Together

Kodi Learns To Cook

Steven Simon

Children's interactive storybook


After taking Nature of Code (Animation and Physics) this semester, I was able to enhance the games in a children's interactive storybook that I created for my ICM final last semester. I added physics to the games in the book, and libraries such as matter.js. This book is ready for multiple user-testing and more feedback. The ITP show is a perfect opportunity for this.


Nature of Code (Animation and Physics)

Sea & Mulberry field

Siman Li

A light installation that shows the changes in nature.


Sea and Mulberry field is a Chinese idiom that literally means the sea changes into mulberry fields. This idiom is used by Chinese speakers to describe the inexorable change in world events.
This would be a light installation that tells the changes in nature using the silhouette of the shapes, and using stepper motors as to show the flying of time.
Now this project is still in process, and would be done by spring show, pictures can be seen in the link, and the video is the fabrication part.


Light and Interactivity, Subtraction


FY Zhu

Hololens is amazing and meanwhile expensive. Now we proposed the HoloKit, this is just 3 dollar cardboard components in open source, and can turn your mobile phone into a powerful Mixed Reality devices and actually performance better than Hololens.For more information, please visit my documentation page.


Holokit is an open source mixed reality toolkits which can turn your mobile phone into a hololens style MR glass devices. Generally speaking, it contains several components as below:

1. Cardboard Kit: This kit is the main structure parts, it will provide the user with the stereoscope vision which is totally like what hololens did. The arrangement of the Cardboard Kit can be seen in this video here:

2. Inside out tracking and environment detection. This part is the core function which will make the Holokit not to be just something head-lock experience but can make it really walking around, and meanwhile recognize the space in the world

3. Multiplayer network support. Here we also provide a spectator for our guest. For what the spectator looks like, please see the video below:

PS: For my final demo, I hope to invite my friends outside the ITP to help me during the process. He has also helped something during the design process. If you have any concern, please contact me via email.

PS2: If you think that thing can't pass, I can also demo another project based on Tango, video linkage here:


Nature of Code (Intelligence and Learning), Thesis

The Undelivered Letters

Nai-Chen Yang

“The Undelivered Letters” is an immersive journalistic virtual reality project that pays tribute to victims of the Taiwanese White Terror. It aims to shed light on stories that have been buried in archives for decades, and breathing new life into the realm of history and politics through VR. <br />


“The Undelivered Letters” is an immersive journalistic virtual reality project that pays tribute to victims of the Taiwanese White Terror. It aims to shed light on stories that have been buried in archives for decades, and breathing new life into the realm of history and politics through VR.

When the user dons the VR headset, she will be transported to the main home scene — a dingy jail. She or he will be able to freely explore private belongings of White Terror victims, strewn about in the cell. Gazing any such belonging will transport the user to a new scene, related to the object’s owner. The user may listen to the victim’s letter and explore the intimate anecdotes about it. After the user listens to the entire narrative, which will allow for a humanizing transformation (not just a “victim,” but a father, son, grandson, etc.) she will be sent back to the main scene to explore another story.



Normal Day

Alexia Kyriakopoulou

A social experiment of physical connection through an emotional VR experience.


“Normal day” is an interactive documentary virtual reality experience that explores the interrelated dynamics of trauma, empathy and connection. Inside the experience, the user witnesses an autobiographical monologue performed by performance artist Tatiana Kot regarding her experiences with breast cancer and double mastectomy. In one part of the film Tatiana asks the viewer to grab her hand. If the user reaches out for her hand and grabs the other viewer's hand the story continues if not she just fades. This is a small “social experiment” to see if people have the need to connect with each other in the first place in an environment where one of its flaws is that it is considered isolating and lonely.


Directing Virtual Reality

Dream of Wings

Wangshu Sun

Flap your arms and fly in VR!


Dream of Wings aims at creating a light weight and dream-like flying experience. With the help of motion capture system Kinect, you can start flying in the virtual world by flapping your arms as if they are a pair of giant wings. VR is optional to maximize the immersive feelings of the flight.

