1234, Mass Tuning-In

1234, Mass Tuning-In is an installation which asks 8 people to count together as a way of deep listening

Nuntinee Tansrisakul



1234 is an installation which asks people to count together, separately.

Do you choose to lead? Follow? Create a form of unison or counterpoint? Listen and count.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2102.00001, ITPG-GT.2061.001, ITPG-GT.2061.001
Thesis, Tangible Interaction and Device Design, Tangible Interaction and Device Design
Machine Learning,Music

Hacking The Vinyl Cutter

Four projects created with the Cameo 4 vinyl cutter on everything but vinyl.

Aidan Fowler



When school went remote, ITP sent the subtraction students a Cameo 4 vinyl cutter. It was a godsend. I have been using it almost daily. In the past five weeks I have created a lamp with dichroic platonic solid filters and lenticular lens shades which presents the live colors from a times square webcam. Additionally, I vinyl cut lenticular platonic solids and project color onto them from LED matrices. I also built a tool to generate vector halftone images and cut portraits out of dichroic film. Lastly, I generated spirals with Perlin noise, overlaid them to see the moire effect and plotted them using the Cameo pen attachment.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2273.001, ITPG-GT.2133.001, ITPG-GT.2719.001
The World, Pixel By Pixel, Light and Interactivity, Subtraction
Art,Product Design