ITP Weather Band: Debut Performances

ITP Weather Band is an experimental band creating music by playing weather data collected from a DIY weather station with custom software and hardware musical instruments. Come see our debut performances!

arnab chakravartyatchareeya name jattupornbrent baileysid chouchun songnuntinee tansrisakulschuyler devosyeseul song


What does today’s weather sound like?

ITP Weather Band is an experimental band creating music by playing weather data collected from a DIY weather station with custom software and hardware musical instruments. The band uses sound and music as a medium for delivering information about our immediate environment through the auditory sense.

We have been working together both in-person and remotely for the past semester as a group to implement the weather station system that collects a variety of weather data with environmental sensors and post the data to a database. Each band member created a unique musical instrument that gets the weather data from the database and turns them into weather-themed auditory sound and music.

This is the band’s debut performance where we introduce the weather station system and demonstrate the musical instruments in show & tell style.

Come join us!

🥁 Line-Up

– Introduction: Meet the Weather Band and the Weather Station system!

– Temperature Bells by Schuyler W DeVos: The playback rate of a bell is mapped from 0.1-2 across a list of temperature readings for a week. Colder temperatures make the bells slower, warmer temperatures make the bells faster.

– Wind Visualizer and Cymbals Monkey by Sid Chou: Wind Visualizer is a simple physics simulation to spatialize experience of wind. Cymbals Monkey is a cheerful robot that plays cymbals based on wind gust data.

– Spatial Wind Sound Composition by Chun Song: Simulate a spatial sound experience of being an extraterrestrial being who would hear sounds as particles or overtones laid out in space. Some partiels would be blown away by winds.

– Wind Guitar by Atchareeya Jattuporn (Name): An instrumental sculpture that can be collaboratively performed by humans and nature. The sculpture will visualize wind directions measured from the ITP weather station in the form of sound.

– Weather Radio by Nuntinee Tansrisakul: Tune-in to the weather station in East Village, NY.

– Weather Lamp by Arnab Chakravarty: An interactive lighting object that turns abrupt changes in weather visualized as soft patterns

– The Weather, Probably by Jesse Simpson: An interactive MIDI score generator where the user decides the relevance of each weather event. 

🧸 Credits

– Faculty Leads/Advisors: Yeseul Song, Tom Igoe

– Weather Station System Development: Brent Bailey, Arnab A Chakravarty, Yeseul Song, and previously Rushali Paratey

– Weather Station System Development Support and Advisement: Tom Igoe

🌤 Weather Station

The weather station is currently installed in East Village in Manhattan during the quarantine, but will be moved back to 370 Jay once the building opens again.

* ITP Weather Band is presented by ITPower, a research group that explores ways to contribute to a sustainable future with creative uses of technology.


A Conversation

A Conversation is an online experiment orchestrated to explore vulnerability among strangers in the digital realm

Daniel Fries, Na Chen, Schuyler DeVos, Tirta Rachman


A Conversation is an online experiment orchestrated to explore vulnerability among strangers in the digital realm. You will be assigned a pseudonym and paired up with a stranger in one of three chatrooms. Everything said in each chatroom is visible to each of the other chatrooms. As you converse with your partner, we urge you to ask yourself: what compels you to keep a conversation going? How honest do you want to be? And how would you like to portray yourself given that you are anonymous?

Each session at most can host 6 players; all others become observers.

Register here:

IMA/ITP New York
Collective Play

Map of Songci 宋词地图

An interactive map project connecting cities in China with Chinese poetry.

Sumner Feng


The map of Songci is a web-based interactive map project. The project focuses on the cities appeared in Songci and picks out representative ones to make visualizations. As for interactive functions, this project includes diverse sound, art, and story elements. Aiming at providing an interactive experience for users to pursue a better understanding of this poetry style associated with the history of the Song Dynasty, this project will connect the historical information of cities to the map of Song to introduce diverse aspects and stories of Song Ci and the Song Dynasty.

(The loading of the music could take a while, please wait until the music starts and then begin exploring.)

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Critical Data & Visualization

Politics of Code's CryptoParty

A text-based CryptoParty on how to maintain your digital privacy.

Aladham Maher Chakohi


A CryptoParty is a grassroots decentralized movement that was started to educate the general public about digital privacy and cryptography topics that are pertinent to their lives. It is traditionally a series of workshops that are offered in person. However, we are the in the social distancing age, so the Politics of Code Spring of 2020’s class decided on hosting a web-based CryptoParty aimed at students and educators.

First we start with a general introduction on digital privacy, what it means and why it should matter to you. Then we dive into exactly how platforms like Zoom, Blackboard, and learning analytics like NYU classes are using your data and what the digital privacy concerns that come with using them are.

The last section of our webpage helps explain to users tips on how to keep your data safe while working from home. This is done using common cryptographic advice (explaining strong passwords to users and setting up two-factor authentication for example) and then the user is presented with specific comparisons between the various tools that are available to the users (the different messaging apps, VPNs, video apps, etc)

IM Abu Dhabi
Politics of Code

Art Memory Game

Memorize the given drawing and try to draw a replica!

Christina Chung, Jessica Lu, Sam Zheng


This project is created to be competitive yet enjoyable online game. The art-memory game is designed to be a simple memorization and to step up its level if the user is interested in continuing the game.This game is made up of simple shapes: ellipses and rectangles and the user is given thirty seconds to memorize the position of these shapes. We have designed for this game, the shapes' position will be restricted to the left hand canvas. In addition, the shapes will have different size, but all of them are the same color. After thirty seconds is up, the left-hand canvas will be “hidden” and the user will be given sixty seconds to re-draw these shapes, on the right hand of the white canvas by dragging the mouse. When dragging the mouse the given output is red, the color, therefore, the user does not need to worry about changing ink color and the size of the brush. We have also designed that for the user's interaction with mouse drag to be restricted to the right hand canvas. If the user does drag the mouse outside the canvas, the red ink will not be displayed. After sixty seconds is up, the user can compare their drawing to the given drawing. If the user would like to play again, he/she can press the play again feature. However, the point for the play again feature is that the amount of shapes are increased, with still thirty seconds to memorize and sixty seconds to re-draw it.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Creative Coding Lab


Modify the circles to create your own pattern

Jessica Dong


With symmetric structure, anyone can use the simplest geometrical shapes to build aesthetic patterns. You can change the size and color to see which colors fit each other best and the animation makes the process more interesting.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Creative Coding Lab

The Way Home

An interactive board game.

Sumner Feng, Emily Qiu


The way home is a web-based interactive board game. In this game, players would play a character who was sent to an unknown world by accident and try to find the way home. The main goal for the player is to throw dice to move to different blocks and interact with upcoming events before reaching the terminal. This project presents multiple interactive methods including choices, mouse click, key press and more to lead players to diverse storylines and ends. In the process of the adventure, players would get to know more about this strange world and the character.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Creative Coding Lab

Hacking The Vinyl Cutter

Four projects created with the Cameo 4 vinyl cutter on everything but vinyl.

Aidan Fowler


When school went remote, ITP sent the subtraction students a Cameo 4 vinyl cutter. It was a godsend. I have been using it almost daily. In the past five weeks I have created a lamp with dichroic platonic solid filters and lenticular lens shades which presents the live colors from a times square webcam. Additionally, I vinyl cut lenticular platonic solids and project color onto them from LED matrices. I also built a tool to generate vector halftone images and cut portraits out of dichroic film. Lastly, I generated spirals with Perlin noise, overlaid them to see the moire effect and plotted them using the Cameo pen attachment.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2273.001, ITPG-GT.2133.001, ITPG-GT.2719.001
The World, Pixel By Pixel, Light and Interactivity, Subtraction
Art,Product Design

Beyond Case Closed: 2020 U.S. Top Colleges by Open Title IX Investigations

A web-based resource guide and participatory project with map visualization, dynamic updates, real-time database designed to inform survivors and advocates about Title IX investigations, and acknowledge their lived experiences.

Winnie Yoe


“2020 US Top Colleges by Open Title IX Investigations” is one of the projects in my thesis “Beyond Case Close”, a series of projects driven by my experience filing a Title IX complaint at my undergraduate institution and at the Department of Education. In navigating the stressful process and aftermath of filing a case, I realized the limitation of procedural measures in seeking social justice and became motivated to find alternative approaches. This project is a resource guide built to inform survivors and advocates about Title IX investigations and to acknowledge lived experiences.

The website draws data from all currently open Title IX cases at the Office of Civil Rights, a sub-agency of the U.S. Department of Education that enforces civil rights laws against discrimination in educational programs. Once launched, you can see the schools currently with an open case at the OCR listed in descending order according to the number of total cases. I reference US college ranking websites and I chose to represent the schools not only with their names but also with images that I scraped searching the school name and the keyword “students”, displaying their promotional images to give a satirical overtone. I also included a Title IX timeline and featured the latest Title IX related tweets to reflect current sentiment and a write-up with diagrams about the filing process. To search for missing narratives about the lived experiences, I also created a real-time survey.

IMA/ITP New York
Education,Social Good/Activism

Stop Recycling

A website exploring plastic waste and the failures of recycling as a system.

Timmy Zhou


An informational website designed to take users on a journey that starts with exploring how much plastic waste they contribute individually and ends with potential solutions to the issue. In between are graphs to give a visual representation of statistics, and multiple pages dedicated to explaining how our view of recycling be a “fix-all” is flawed.

IMA/ITP New York
Networked Media (UG)
NYU Tisch School of the Arts provides reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. Requests for accommodations should be made at least two weeks before the date of the event when possible. You can request accommodations at