A casual game to explore more about music
yudi jia
This project is an interactive game to help amateurs learn more about music in an interactive and interesting way. Many music lovers want to further explore the world of music, such as composing their own songs and making musical accompaniments and arrangements but are restricted by their limited knowledge of basic music theory. However, existing traditional music theory classes are not that playful and interactive, and also need a long time to learn. Other musical apps imitating the piano/guitar interfaces only allow users to get a sense of one instrument. Thus, to help users learn and explore music in an interesting way, this project will illustrate music elements vividly using cartoon-like interface and characters. It is not gamification learning, it is a game which hopefully can let players know more about musical elements during their leisure time. While gamification learning focuses more on how to design the learning methods and material by imitating game mechanics, my project is purely a casual game which provides a bit of learning value.
This game is developed using Processing and p5.js, and imitates the interface of Super Mario so that users can quickly understand how to play the game. The notes and chords will be visualized as cartoon symbols or figures, floating in the air or moving on the ground. When the user captures the cartoon figures, musical knowledge will be displayed on the screen, and total scores will be updated each time the user interacts with the game characters. After playing this game, users will get a sense of musical notes (C,D,E,F,G,A,B), possible/popular chords that can be used in composing a music piece, and might also be able to design a chord progression for a set of melodies.