Category Archives: Gabe Barcia-Colombo


Sonia Li

Interactive multichannel sound installation strongly rooted in humanity. An environment where one experiences oneself, heavily influenced by the user’s own psychology. User lays in darkness, experiences bodily vibrations and immersive sound field.


User enters an enclosed space in complete darkness with vibrating bed to lay on, surrounded by four speakers, experiences waves of vibration through the body. A microphone attached to bed. When speaking into microphone, user’s voice triggers different whale sounds.
Sound: material in context of sculpture. In using techniques to sculpt and spatialize sound, it creates a sonic sound field, one feels “enveloped” & “immersed”.
Using scientific properties of whale, I'm making a direct & metaphoric correlation bt. the physical mass & strength, longevity & complexity of songs & the ocean, their natural habitat, to my deeper self & inner strength.
Since the user doesn't know me nor how I feel, one ultimately experiences oneself through me.


Tianyu Wu

The iCarbon is a houseplant gardening toolkit that indicates a user's personal carbon footprint data calculated through one's daily spending.


Plants witness our carbon footprint daily. The iCarbon package provides a user with a resurrection plant and a toolkit that triggers an automated watering system. Resurrection plants have the ability to thrive when provided with water, but it also dehydrates quickly at the lack of water. The user's personal carbon footprint is calculated through his or her daily spending from his or her personal banking account. The system visualizes the user's carbon consumption using a real live plant and helps the user monitor it through an app. Furthermore, because of the user's emotional attachment to the plant, it nudges him or her to form a more responsible lifestyle.

Lest We Forget

Todd Bryant

Lest We Forget is a video sculpture that serves to remind human kind about their impact on the earth while counting down to the end of the current civilization via their own devices – over population, climate change, depletion of natural resources.


Lest We Forget is a video sculpture that serves as a reminder of the destruction man is inflicting on the natural world around them. The project will count down to an estimated moment when civilization must change because society as we are currently experiencing it can no longer function. The end date will fluctuate in real time as data will be streaming from various international resources on the internet. It consists of three layered semi-transparent LCD video screens. The middle layer is the clock face which will be blurred out at the begin with and coming into focus as time is more relevant and precious. The outer screens will show a representation of earth rotating in real time that will crumble as we destroy the planet.


Yang Wang

An art installation that creates a virtual reality world for people to encounter and become spectators of themselves.


Using an Oculus Rift headset, Kinect and EEG sensor, Sukhavati creates a virtual world that allows the viewer to observe her/himself from an alternate angle. The viewer is immersed in a parallel reality that resembles the same physical room the viewer sits in, quietly observing his/her own image composed from thousands of pixel particles. When the viewer loses the state of deep relaxation, his/her self-image transforms into numerous particles that flows freely in the room.

Sukhavati is an exploration about the question "What is the true-self? Is that possible for people to live without ego?"

Push For Fame

Yu-Ting Feng

Push for Fame collects stories about people in the form of a snapshot. The installation consists of a button, a camera and a screen. People take pictures of themselves, capturing and broadcasting their own stories at that time and place.


"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes," said Andy Warhol.
Push For Fame is an interactive window display inspired by Warhol's quote.
It uses three basic elements – a button, a screen, and a camera –
to engage people to take pictures in five different public locations,
with the goal of encouraging people from diverse backgrounds to actively engage with their surrounding environments.
Push For Fame shows the egalitarian nature of public art and self-portraits in different public spaces.
I am using these four local design projects to explore different methods of encouraging people to express themselves and contribute to local discourse across languages, through their own self-portraits.


Ryan Bartley

The barrier of entry to programming low-level game design is too high. Cinder-Game seeks to destroy this barrier by allowing people to program high-level, low-level and extensible C++, while also learning proper game design techniques.


Recently, video games have developed as a strong artistic and independent storytelling tool. However, the game engines available today are either too high-level to be realistically used, or too low-level for the creative coder. With my thesis, I bridged the gap by building out the high-level and low-level components of game engines on top of the creative framework, Cinder. The library includes a scene graph, physics, graphics, and multiple managers for cameras, 3d audio, saving state, rendering, scripting and effects that will make the process of creating a fast/stable game less tedious. The library will be open-sourced to support learning, to allow extending and to facilitate others looking for the same creative outlet.

Adventures of Teen Bloggers

Sam Brenner

Come face-to-face with the online identities of thousands of former teen bloggers. Choose a character from the annals of LiveJournal, an all-but-defunct blogging site, and lead them on the most epic of journeys: a walk down a high school hallway.


The Adventures of Teen Bloggers combines the aesthetic of old-school graphic adventure games with the vapid, self-obsessed musings of teenagers circa 2005. Players pick one of millions of LiveJournal users to re-animate and lead on a walk through a high school hallway. When asked to interact with another character, players discover the strengths (or weaknesses) of their character: they can only say things that the LiveJournal user actually said on their blog all those years ago. By dredging up a LiveJournal user's blog posts, once written under the semblance of privacy but now free of context and wholly public, I will draw attention to the permanence of our lives on the internet and question how we choose to share what we share online.

Virtual Memory / Memory Memory

Sarah Rothberg

Virtual Memory/ Memory Memory is a series of artistic research projects examining the relationship between memory, media, attention, loops, attention, media, and memory.


Media reflects the moment it was created. What is the effect on memory of shifting from analog, fixed in physical time and space, to digital? Does the relative mutability of digital archives leave us stuck in loops?

"Attn:Lifelog" passively indexes gopro footage with eeg attention data.

"URLoop" is a browser extension which alerts users when they navigate from website to website in a looped pattern mirroring deterministic thought processes of people with memory loss.

"Memory Place" is composed of personal memory artifacts, digital and digitized, arranged in a navigable virtual environment. The space created from my own memory-artifacts functions as a prototype: I will offer memory-virtualization services for a modest fee via the web.


Jay Zehngebot

Quickly Create Comics using Artwork From Everyone.


ComicDrop fuses a simple set of drawing tools with carefully considered workflows to facilitate fast, playful, collaborative comic-making.

At ComicDrop's core is a shared library of user-contributed drawings, called stickers. These artworks are free for everyone to collage with, build on, and incorporate into their sequential stories.

Designed and developed by a printmaker with years of teaching experience, ComicDrop's streamlined processes present an opportunity to engage visitors of all ages. Whether through writing, drawing, or composing compelling narratives, ComicDrop offers creative avenues for makers of every type, and allows participants to share the components of their comics with other artists the world over.

Google Made Me Do It

Mary Fê

My goal was to create an alternative way of PLAYING (as in actor play and as in game play) in an immersive live editable performance, where audience and performer could interact and interfere on the outcomes in real time at a collective space.


I combined new media and improv elements to find the interactive mechanics of live scene story telling. If we can navigate through different content online and discover new approaches on information, would an audience be able to modify live plots as well by using search engines?
Google Made Me Do It was performed at The Silent Barn on April of 2014.
Voice Search Hot Word engine listened to shouts from the audience (a tradition on improv) to jump start scenes. Professional actors on stage could signal for audience help at any moment by wheeling an umbrella as in a frozen computer monitor. Shouts of Ok Google triggered word search during the scenes to flip plots. Who should we point for the results? Google made us do it!