Category Archives: Katherine Dillon


Su Hyun Kim

Tiya is my experimentation towards finding physical manifestation of the emoji language usually seen only on screens. It's a mobile app paired with robotic ears that are programmed to deliver physical interaction when somebody sends you a message.


Tiya, the messenger, works hard to deliver emotions between you and your close ones. Tiya utilizes graphic expression in conjunction with physical expression. My goal is to create a different interface other than verbal to find out if we can communicate emotions effectively. I was influenced by the common use of emoticons over social media. Tiya is a mobile app that comes with built-in robotic ears with a messaging mobile app. Once you open the application, your smart phone becomes this creature, Tiya. You can pet it or give different kind of gesture to communicate with the other person who is using this app. Tiya will become a shared pet between two users and start to develop a relationship with people who are taking care of her.


Valerie Chen

Pippin is a themed hard cider bar that recreates a series of historical periods significant to the story of cider in America. As patrons navigate the space and engage in symbolic gestures, they experience being a different person in a different time.


Apple trees are extreme heterozygotes: when grown from seed, instead of inheriting the characteristics of their parents, the traits of the new generation are wildly unpredictable. These capricious offspring are called pippins. Likewise, Pippin is a pop-up cider bar that takes on unpredictable forms. The entire space moves through three themes: an indoor garden paradise, a frontier log cabin, and an underground speakeasy. The themes correspond with historical moments that shaped the complicated relationship between Americans and the practice of drinking alcohol. The designs for Pippin's first iteration have been brought to life as a navigable digital environment where users can experience what such a place might look and feel like.


Wajma Mohseni

Qaramon, which means "Champion" in Farsi, is a game aimed at future leaders of Afghanistan to increase awareness on corruption by enhancing player knowledge in a fun, interactive environment.


In 2013, Afghanistan was declared the third most corrupt nation in the world. Corruption is so pervasive that paying a bribe has become part of daily life. Qaramon is a game that draws attention to the problems of corruption, which affects everyone, by increasing awareness and consciousness among future Afghan leaders, or the 15-20 year old age group. Each level tackles issues including ethics, reconstruction and economics, and allows players to control game direction while keeping the consequences of their actions clear through changing game dynamics, such as body shape and landscape. The final level utilizes collective scores to unify players to achieve a common goal, creating a cohesive system that encourages teamplay and collaboration.

Fluid Geometry

Wyna Liu

A set of sculptures that explore the interconnectedness of two-dimensional polygonal shapes, and the qualities that emerge through repetition and behavior of material in three-dimensional space.


These sculptures are my personal meditation on geometry and form. When the rules governing the symmetry and perfection of polygons and polyhedra are subject to extrinsic factors such as gravity and material properties, they lose their rigidity and begin to display a diversity of movement and behavior that resemble those found in the natural world. These simple shapes are essential to the creation of forms in nature at every scale. Fluid Geometry is my attempt to build from these elements and explore their intrinsic possibilities. Inspired by traditions of craft and learning through physical practice, each sculpture consists of hundreds to thousands of “two-dimensional” pieces, hand assembled to create an object in three dimensions.

Markdown Graphics

Xinran Wang

A Markdown extension, in the form of a web-based editor, that enables users to create both text and graphics for the web, in a single platform.


Currently, off-the-shelf Markdown editors support plain text editing only. Markdown Graphics enables users to create and edit graphics right at the location where they are inserted, which provides a much more cohesive composing experience for creating content for the web. In addition, Markdown Graphics supports diagram component tagging, allowing diagram and text to be styled by a single stylesheet. Also, diagrams created and stored in SVG will be web-publishing-friendly and light-weight. Thus, content creators, journalists and notetakers can communicate ideas on the web much more efficiently.


Jorge A. Brake

A mobile app that encourages serendipitous exploration and discovery of city neighborhoods.


Serendicity is an attempt to upend the normative travel experience. Travelers often have a specific destination in mind when they arrive to a new city. Rather than taking the fastest route there, why not explore a more interesting one? Leveraging open APIs and frameworks, the mobile app generates walking routes based on location, time, and preferences. The end result: less structure, more serendipity, and hopefully a different travel experience.

New Circuits for Dancing with Light

Justin Lange

A study of the history of objects that extend human limbs in dance, their problematic LED corollaries in contemporary EDM ("electronic dance music") culture, and the creation of a new Light Instrument that affords dancers artistic choice.


LEDs wands, poi, hoops and other "light-up" instruments and toys constitute a desired aesthetic in EDM culture, but as tools for individual movement-based expression, they are no more expressive than a flashlight. Most LED devices have only two states ("on" or "off"), or offer preprogramed sequences. Several state-of-the art POV ("persistence of vision") devices allow custom images to be uploaded, but none allow immediate control over LEDs' expressive potential, such as luminance or hue. To encourage light dancing that is not simply pretty but also expressive, I created a new hand-held kinetic instrument with onboard sensors and controls that allow dancers to spontaneously generate and display novel light patterns while dancing.

Visual Sound Synthesis

Louise Foo

Visual Sound Synthesis is a series of image-sound explorations of the meeting between graphic design and a program that turns the iPhone camera into an optical synthesizer that plays what it sees.


With roots in research about historical optical sound devices like the ANS synthesizer, Oramics, Sound-On-Film techniques and the Pattern Playback Synthesizer I asked myself – how can I experience this image-sound translation myself today with the technology available to me? and how can I share this with others? Through a process of programming, interface prototype design, listening to images and looking at sounds and finally through collaboration with a graphic designer – the final outcome is a series of 'scores' played back by the viewer with the camera in the iPhone. The installation of those 'scores' explore how in many ways the visual and audible senses are related, but not necessarily synchronized.

Ecstatic Computation

Michael Allison

Ecstatic Computation is the union between human and machine (when thought becomes bit) explored through a mythopoetic lens that includes virtual reality rituals, mystical infographics and other computation related artifacts.


As I become a cyborg though corporeal and mental appropriations of computational tools, what then of my metaphysical relationship to these new "bodily" members?

Through my research I've encountered many religious, spiritual and scientific practices that seek to make sense of the relationships between our minds, bodies, spirits and the universe. Some practices contain the notion of ecstasy, which in existential terms means to achieve a state of being outside of one's self. Using virtual reality, my project explores the moment of Ecstatic Computation: the merging of consciousness and quantum energy in the physio-chemical registration of state within the computer's memory. The moment when thought becomes bit and electrons become ideas.

CHI Juice

Hanna Moon

CHI Juice is a mobile application to make healthy home-made juice with suggested ingredients from Traditional Chinese Medicine methods. It helps to find good ingredients for your body and checks up health status of your internal organs.


CHI Juice app is a self-diagnosis system with skin conditions. Chinese face mapping is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and brings forth the idea that different parts of your face correspond to specific internal organs. So you can check out your problem areas and the underlying imbalances. This app detects positions of acnes or pimples on your face and gets data from Chinese face mapping to determine which internal organs are related to the positions of the acnes.Then it would show you ingredients which contains nutrition what your body needs to consume. Then you can select ingredients you want to add to your healthy juice. It shows amounts of each ingredients you need to put and has its own nutrition facts related to the ingredients.