Category Archives: Heather Greer

What’s your secret?

Tianran Qian

“What’s Your Secret” is an augmented reality installation that shares the stories of elderly woman. In the installation, the audience is presented with boxes and mementos, each with a live portrait and objects of the subject.


Have you ever been touched by a beautiful smile of an older woman? It is the smiles that draws me in, making me curious about their life stories. What is it that they know that I don’t about life? What lessons can they share?
Since we live in such a busy time, can we get some wisdom from someone growing old gracefully?

My hope is that other women in similar life circumstances – young but starting to have to make adult decisions, living in cities, with the world seemingly ahead of us – can learn something from them.

The stories revealed in "What's Your Secret", share life's experiences – good and bad – and give people a choice of hearing the different parts of the story over time.


Tiffany Hewlett

bodyRef provides guidance to users on how to set and accomplish fitness and nutrition goals by utilizing a team of healthcare professionals (HCPs).


With the assistance of a healthcare professional, users create a health profile and allow bodyRef access to their tracked data. bodyRef will annotate data summaries provided by the tracking device. Users can then accept or reject individual annotations noted on the data summaries. Accepted annotations will trigger personalized advice from HCPs who provide medical guidance on how to achieve goals throughout the week. To start, the intended audience will be high-risk individuals such as those diagnosed with metabolic disease. Moving forward, bodyRef audiences will be expanded to special populations such as pregnant women and the elderly. Even further down the line recovering athletes will become targeted users as well.


Vitor Freire

IJO is a movement that inspires people to dance in public spaces and engages them as part of a larger experience. It is an experiment in connecting people in different places through movements of the body. IJO means dance in the Yoruba language.


Imagine a group of kids break dancing in a park in New York and another group dancing Capoeira in a square in Sao Paulo. A body representation of each dancer is projected in both locations where either dancer can interact with each other. A dialogue is born between the participants and the interaction of the visual translation of the dancers. Move your body to tell who you are. 
Additionally, a fully customizable dynamic web data stream of the dancers movements is provided to all those interested in building visualizations and applications with the data. The visual component is accomplished through the use of Kinect sensors and projectors while Javascript is used to handle the data stream and interactions. 

White Box Emergency Communications

Pilar Zaragoza

White Box Emergency Communications is a radio-based emergency communications system that is accessible, affordable, and easy to use that can be deployed when modern communication methods are down during a disaster.


Modern communication methods rely heavily on cell phone towers and internet connections, which, during disasters are either offline or reserved for emergency response and disaster management. How can survivors communicate their location and get the supplies they need? White Box Emergency Communications aims to solve this problem by repurposing an existing protocol, automatic packet reporting system (APRS), developed by the amateur radio community for emergency communications. By making APRS more accessible, affordable, and easy to use, it allows responders to see status updates, view GPS coordinates, and communicate independently with survivors via this long-established wireless technology.

DiscoverED student collaboration through interactive syllabi

Sergio Majluf Jadue

DiscoverED is a web app for higher education teachers to create interactive syllabi in a timeline format. It simplifies course resource management and creates a online collaboration space for sharing, thinking and discussing class topics.


The Internet offers a plethora of collaboration and general purpose management resources. The same is true for learning resources in the academic space. Yet most teachers still outline classes in static documents or hard to follow websites. DiscoverED is a new approach; instructors can use this interactive tool for planning courses and collaborative class activities.

DiscoverED renders syllabi as timelines, allowing multiple class units, content resources and milestones to be seamlessly added and managed by instructors over time. With this, students can navigate content and class progress as they zoom in and out, connecting everyone in a space to discuss and collaboratively create and share content.


Shilpan Bhagat

Passlet puts the world at your fingertips. It tracks the things you interact with physically on a daily basis allowing you to create reactive, self aware objects and build intuitive and interesting applications with it.


Our body speaks a language of touch. We hold things we want to use, hug the people we love and feel the things we are curious about. Passlet is a technology that understands this language and assists you. Imagine your toothbrush tracking its own use, or your milk carton aware it's empty. What if the sandwich you picked up knew you and paid for itself without you going to the counter? With Passlet comes an era of self aware objects which act based on your touch. It works on the principle of capacitive coupling allowing data to be transferred seamlessly through your body onto objects and vice versa. Passlet is a wearable which hides in the background allowing for smarter and more meaningful interactions with our physical world.


Steve Cordova

Tactus is a wearable device that gives the user the ability to identify, feel, and touch color.


Tactus is a wearable device worn on the wrist that interprets color and sends the user a tactile response. Think of it as braille for color. Using either a smartphone or the embedded sensors on the device, color values are translated to a electromagnetic wave that creates a sensation on the users finger. The device can be used by both visually impaired people and those looking to augment their own senses. It creates a new sensory modality for the user and more importantly the ability to not only see art, but feel it.

From The Dark

Surya Mattu

Anonymous data is a myth. From The Dark is a project that offers insight into the hidden mechanisms & power struggles within our current communications infrastructure. It brings to light the data we generate with our smart devices & what it reveals.


Edward Snowden's NSA document leaks in 2013 ignited the public conversation around a national and global surveillance culture, verifying much of what security professionals have been saying for the past two decades. Corporations and governments have access to a previously unprecedented amount of personal data. I investigated how this data is accumulated, how it's used, and how we can better understand our current technological environment. There is inherent value in making these processes more transparent, as a way to inform people's choices and help them engage in this conversation.

Decode Delhi

Tarana Gupta

Decode Delhi is a crowd-sourced social platform to quantify the city of Delhi. The goal is to develop a digital assistant that can help a person navigate and discover various aspects of the city while traveling safely from one point to another.


Security is supposed to come from government agencies but in countries like India, with large and crowded cities like Delhi, it is hard to ensure safety.

With the growth of Internet and access to smartphones, opportunities have arisen to harness collective efforts of citizens who can improve quality of life in cities by simply disseminating the information they already have.

Through crowdsourced data, Decode Delhi makes an attempt to improve the experience of living in Delhi – the political and cultural capital of India- especially for girls and women. It covers three major aspects of navigation: safety level of different neighborhoods, knowledge of interesting places and street smart tips from fellow Delhiiets.


Jing Zhao

Pleashare is a web application that provides sex toy reviews for Chinese users. It encourages them to share their experiences and start conversations about their sexual pleasure.


Recently, Chinese women are becoming more open to sex, but their awareness of their own sexuality is still evolving. Sex toys help women’s sexual exploration, Pleashares helps them establish their sex identity and personal words in sex and sexuality discussion. With Pleashares, users can review sex toys, see other user’s exerience of body exploration with sex toy, and build conversations based on collective hashtags. Through understanding how to get pleasure from their own bodies, women get to know themselves on their own and not just from others.