Nature Geometry

Xinyao Wang, Yuli Cai, Yuan Xue

Let's play and relax in the galaxy and interact with the Moon. Look up and around!


An interactive abstract imagery of natural textures, the Moon, and universe in simple geometric shapes projected perfectly onto a well-designed physical object on a white wall to maximize user experience. It gives you pure pleasure in changing and seeing the different projections/patterns/modes according to simply intuitive gestures and body movements.


Introduction to Computational Media


Muqing Niu, Xuhui Xu

Two strangers compose music together to create implicit understanding.


The main purpose of the project is to create a scene where two strangers can play music together, without knowing the face and sound and tender of each other, building up some implicit understanding of these two people.
What inspire us is that nowadays most of the social network software are based on the tags, and it can't give us a distinct knowledge of this person, cause the tags may tell a lie. However when two people do something together, especially when they have no judgement upon each other, they can get a fair understanding of the other one, that could be a new way of social network.
So in our project we are building such a scene, composed of two separated space, using two computers communicating each other, using two kinects to encourage people exploring the depth, using two projector to create a emerged illusion. Two people step into the separated space and touch the cloth, the fire and ripple visual effect coming out, with the fluid of the visual effect on the screen they can hear the harmony music coming out from the black. Then they start to play the music, slower and faster, moving around or just stick in here, follow or escape, they can do what they want to do, meanwhile what they do is seen by the other person. So in the whole process, they play together and finally get the understanding of each other.
In a word, InBud is an engaging experience where two strangers make collaborative music generation by dabbling water and flame on the wall, and get implicit understanding in the progress.


Applications, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

Beats Exposed

Aaron Parsekian, Danielle Butler, Lisa M Jamhoury

Beats Exposed is an interactive aerial performance that breaks down the barrier between audience and performer. By exposing the performer’s heartbeat through sound and projected visuals, the performer invites the audience to see beyond his or her physical form.


Beats Exposed is an interactive performance experience that breaks down the barrier between audience and performer. By exposing the body’s vital signs, the performer invites the audience to see beyond the polished act and into the extreme physical and personal effort.

Beats Exposed is built to be used in performance on, or off, stage. It is lightweight and battery powered, and therefore able to run in a variety of settings.

The current iteration of the project is performed with an aerialist. It exposes the exertion in an artform that is extremely demanding, yet typically meant to appear effortless.

The performer wears a Polar pulse sensor and Moteino wireless transceiver while performing. The transceiver communicates wirelessly with a second Moteino transceiver connected to a computer. The pulse is transferred serially to a P5 program with both audio and visualizations.

In this experience, the audience hears the sound of a heartbeat timed with the performer’s pulse. The visualization, also reacting to the pulse, projects from the ceiling onto the performer, surrounding area, and any audience members that have come in close.

The resulting experience is intimate, personal and engaging.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Physical Computing

Military Issue

Ian Gibson

Military Issue is an interactive installation that considers the confusion, anger, and grief that occurs when service ends and reintegration into the Real World begins.


Thriving in a military environment requires a value system that is very different from that of the civilian world. It requires that you give up a part of yourself. The process of reclaiming the lost pieces when reintegrating after service is one of profound confusion, anger, and grief. How can you focus if your mind constantly runs through the procedure for correcting a malfunction in an M16 rifle? How do you respond to folks who gush about how fashionable military uniforms are? How do you connect with those around you when you're overcome with guilt at leaving friends behind, friends that continue to spend every day in harm's way? How do you cope with the realization that these questions have no clean, simple answers? Military Issue is an installation that exists as an artifact of my own exploration of these and many other questions. It seeks to capture the fragmented nature of this unpacking process. It demands a long attention span and a willingness to confront discomfort and confusion, just as the reintegration journey does. It begs users to consider that service doesn't end when a person takes off the uniform for the last time.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

Singing Plant

Chelsea J Pfohl

It is a singing plant


Using a custom capacitive touch sensor, Arduino and Processing, the Touché Shield for Arduino developed by Disney Research Labs, with just a single wire stuck in the dirt the plant turns in to a fully functional multi gestural singing theremin, inducing bond between human and flora. Meant to stimulate an interest and foster a scientific curiosity and love for all kinds of plants and our underlying connection to everything living and breathing on the planet, the Singing Plant is a simple device that can be applied to any type of plant in any type of soil or water.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing


Angela Perrone

With BarkArt you can track your dog's barking and turn it into a unique work of art, while discovering ways to ease his/her anxiety. It's Bark Therapy for the whole family.


Whether it is separation anxiety or other triggers, dogs can suffer from emotional distress just like humans. BarkArt can help you find daily patterns and track the times of high anxiety for your pup, which will allow you the opportunity to find a way to ease the stress.

Before leaving your house, set up BarkArt on a computer in a location near your dog's favorite spot. When your dog barks, BarkArt will add a paw on the canvas, with the size based on duration of the bark.

You will arrive home to a full painted canvas of paws of all sizes and colors. Click on an individual paw to find out the time of the bark. You can end the sketch by clicking on “end.” Check out BarkData to see a linear visual of the day's barking and track patterns over time.

On the lighter side, you can save the unique daily artwork by “saving BarkArt.” And don't forget to share your pup's BarkArt on Instagram!


Introduction to Computational Media

Superhero Cape

Eve J Weinberg, Karalyn C Lathrop

An interactive superhero cape that helps a user save Earth from destructing from an incoming astroid.


The goal of this project is to empower children to feel like a superhero and unleash the child-like imaginations of adults. A superhero cape will allow a user to interact and navigate through an interactive web-based game. The user will use the cape to fly through space in order to save the planet from destruction.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing

Paint your flower

Kritchaya Twitchsri

An interactive lighting paper flower wallpaper/


An interactive flower backdrop (22 x28″ canvas). Using neopixels that tied with serial communication where the user could pick their favorite colors on an interface on a laptop and that color will lit up on the wall.


Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Computational Media


Renata Gaui

A tapestry loom that weaves and unweave according to sunrise and sunset, referring to an excerpt of The Odyssey's female character Penelope that postpone an unwished fate by choosing to decide which of her suitors she would marry to once she finishes a burial shroud.


A tapestry loom that weaves when the sun rises and unweaves the same piece when the sun sets. The white thread on the loom refers to ancient greek burial rituals in which the deceased would be dressed in a full length white shroud – as if the closer the loom gets to have the piece done, the more Penelope is confined to her own imprisionement.
There's a p5 sketch running on a browser that gets the geolocation of the piece and from this gets the time the sunrises and the sunsets, controlling the weave/unweave according to that.


Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing