A Message from our Future

Gabriella Garcia

A phone rings uncannily just as you pass it… if you answer perhaps you'll get some insight into the future of humanity…



The project is called A Message From Our Future and it's essentially a narrative phone tree journey using an old-school corded desk telephone as the interface. The phone would ring based on a distance sensor, and when picked up, would prompt an automated recording starting the narrated interaction. The person is prompted through a keypad menu that gives them options to listen to voice messages from “the future” with each number leading to a different message theme. Voicemails were collected via burner number that people could call anonymously.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing


Nicholas Gregg

Manipulate a 3-D me with your voice.



g.loop was born from desire to model, mold and meld 3-D forms with the voice; to create forms through pure emotional output with little thought to the learning-curved-industry-standard approach to mesh and the like. Through a combination of ml5 and various parts of 3.js, g.loop gives you the ability to distort a 3-D bust of me with nothing more than your voice. Wail away.


Introduction to Computational Media


Mingna Li, Zhe Wang

Making hot pot with emotion.



Hotpot.js is an interface that visualizes emotion for a community of people. We started this project with an interest in visualizing human emotion. Rather than generating abstract graphics from data, we wanted to create interaction that is funny and relevant to our daily life. We explored the relationship of emotion and food. Through food, we hope to introduce another dimension of sense, taste, into the experience.

The interface asks users to choose their feeling. Each feeling is relevant to a food, such as dancing chicken, hippy green onion, and sexy apple. When user clicks an emotion button, the corresponding food will drop down and sink into the hotpot. At the bottom of the interface, there is a recipe of the current flavor of the hotpot.

We imagined this project to be installed at a location that many people passes by. As the day passes by, we can see the emotion of the community through hotpot recipe of the day.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Computational Media

Sky Lantern the Wish

Xinyue Li, Chenyu Sun

3D Interactive Web application about wishes.



Sky Lantern the Wish is a 3D Interactive Web application. Our idea comes from the traditional Chinese culture of making “Kongming lantern” where people hand-writing their wishes on a small hot air balloon that made of paper and set it up to the sky at night. In Asia and elsewhere around the world, sky lanterns have been traditionally made for centuries, to be launched for play or as part of long-established festivities. The Sky Lantern represents the holding of beautiful wishes; we want to inherit the beautiful culture and make it into the digital world that people can assess and making sky lanterns, wishes on the internet. When people go inside our application, they will see an ocean and a sky full of lanterns. After clicking the “make a wish” button, users can type their wishes that will show on the “lantern”, then they can release it up to the “sky” and restore it on the “sky”. By moving the mouse and pressing the up, down, left, right keys, the user will be able to change their views and “fly” into the “sky”, to see other's wishes as well.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Computational Media

Feeling in the Time

Khensu-Ra Love El, Raaziq Brown

America is going through a chaotic time, we want to know how YOU feel about it?



America is in a strange place. Day-by-day it feels like we are falling further and further into a dark hole. Since Khensu-Ra and Raaziq have started their tenure at ITP, the media has consistently covered devastating events on a national level. This coverage is happening at such a consistent rate that negativity, catastrophe, and poor country leadership is becoming normalized. In this project, we plan on presenting the participant with audio clips of current events of the past 4 months and logging their emotional response of said events. We will then force the participant to consider their role and action in regards to the current social, cultural, and political climates of the U.S.


Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Physical Computing

Type to erase. Repeat to forget.

Carrie Wang

We type to make text appear on screen or paper. We repeat things to remember them. What if we invert the process—type sentences out to erase them, and repeat words to make them disappear?



The project consists of two parts. In part one— “Type to erase”—short sentences, Markov-chain-generated from the lyrics of the world’s 204 national anthems, appear on screen, and your only goal is to erase them one by one by typing them out. In part two—“Repeat to forget”— you are asked to read sentences from the same text source as part one. The words will be erased if you say them correctly. In the process of going back and forth with a speech recognition system that judges your pronunciation, meanings of some words are questioned and redefined.


Computational Approaches to Typography