JCB is a multi-ribbon, wavetable synthesizer controller that bares the resemblance of a cello and a lap steel guitar’s child.
JCB is an eight-sided musical, wavetable synthesizer controller that primarily functions through the utilization of ribbon sensors. Furthermore, the controller is to be played in a sitting manner.
Regarding the utilization of ribbons, the right side of the controller is comprised of three long ribbons for sound oscillator activation and pitch shifting. Furthermore, these three strips are individually stacked on top of long pressure sensors for amplitude control.
On the left side of the controller, six smaller ribbons (without pressure sensors) are placed in a symmetrical manner, reflective of the right side of the instrument. These six ribbons are utilized for dynamic and time-based processing, where the manner of manipulation is handled in a global fashion.
On the front side of the controller, three switches are attached to the front panel, where they act as a means of “latching” their coordinating “sound-generating” ribbon. Additionally, three attached potentiometers “tune” their respective “sound-generating” ribbon. It must also be noted that a single potentiometer is utilized for wavetable positioning within the synthesis component.
And regarding the synthesizer, Max MSP receives the sensor data through the utilization of an Arduino Mega. Furthermore, Max MSP handles the sound generation and manipulation.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>A video performance with animation around cycles of resource consumption.
I was asked once to make a piece that summarized my feelings about my home state of Colorado. This piece was an attempt to synthesize the complex feelings that I had around the processes that make a place function, and what problems those may cause. I chose to depict 3 different environments, mountains, cities and plains, and show how each environment influences the other, and the ways that we all depend on them.
The piece itself takes the form of 4-minute video performance, which was created for my paper engineering and live image processing and performance classes last year. It involves a setup with a table and a camera, and some sort of video display surface to be able to put on. A projector or a TV will work fine.
I built a light box with sliding paper elements for each environment. The box lights up in different ways to show each element’s attributes. For my fabrication class, which I took this fall, I remade the sliding box to be much sturdier and more robust.
The performance will loop twice, with the second time around featuring animated characters in addition to a video live feed. I wanted to demonstrate the cyclical, yet changing nature of how human beings interact with their environments.
Intro to Fabrication, Live Image Processing and Performance, Paper Engineering 101 and Designing for Children
]]>Art Toy Design class final projects
Art Toy Design class final projects
Art Toy Design
]]>The Fire Bird is a character activated by a wearable device that reacts to gestures and movement generating sound, light and video effects.
The Fire Bird is a first experiment on building characters exploring interactive wearable technologies. This is a work in progress.
To compose the character, I've created gloves that generate different light, sound and animation effects according to the gestures of the performer that embodies the Fire Bird to tell their story.
Movement 1
The Fire Bird flies away from home because their house was put on fire by someone who couldn't understand the way the Fire Bird was living.
Movement 2
The Fire Bird flies to the city, alone, and finds a place to sleep.
Movement 3
The Fire Bird dreams for so long, that the invisible seed that was inside of their belly grows and turns into a tree.
Questions to keep moving:
What's the seed that is inside of the belly of the Fire Bird made of?
How does the tree that grows from the belly of the Fire Bird look like?
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>Your voice is your portrait. Reflecting your voice with voice reactive mirror.
Voice Mirror contains 60 tiny rotatable mirrors. When utter a sound, the reactive mirror will spin. The pattern of the rotation is corresponded with the user’s voice. The spinning mirrors causes the reflection to vibrate as a result of blurry image like water reacts with wind.
Introduction to Physical Computing, Intro to Fabrication