Intro to Openframeworks and C++

Time/Date: Jan 19, 11AM – 1PM

Room: Room 20

Instructor: Oren


A gentle introduction to openFrameworks, a C++ creative coding toolkit.

We will cover:

– how to create a project using the project generator

– some of the basics of the core OF library that are useful for animation and image processing

– how to include addons in your project, e.g. for working with OpenCV

– some parts of C++ that are useful to know for working in OF, such as types, header files, vectors, classes & structs, and maybe pointers and memory management if there’s time

– the openFrameworks documentation and reading the source code

– additional resources for learning


You should bring a computer, and it’d be great if you could download and set up openFrameworks beforehand, as it’ll save a lot of time if everyone is ready to go at the start.

You can download openFrameworks here: page also contains setup guides for OS X, Linux, and Windows.

If you’re running OS X, I recommend using XCode as your IDE:

If you have questions about setting up OF, you can email me at

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