Bootstrap But Don’t Look Bootstrapped w/ Jason Sigal

Date/Time: Wednesday Jan 20th, 3:00 PM

Instructor: Jason Sigal

Description: This is an introduction to Bootstrap, the most popular framework for front-end web development.  We’ll cover the grid system, stylesheets and re-usable components that make it quick and easy to create quality mobile-first websites. Then we’ll break it down so that we can use Bootstrap to build websites that don’t look like Bootstrap websites. In the process, we’ll cover some HTML, CSS, JS (jQuery) and general concepts that can apply to using any framework. If time permits, we’ll dig into the Bootstrap source code’s CSS preprocessors (SASS / LESS) and tweak it to build our own custom version of the library.

Prerequisites: Some familiarity with web stuff (i.e. p5.js, html/css/javascript) will be helpful but not required.

Documentation: Slides

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