The number of different wireless data protocols seems to grow every day. Here are a few of the ones you’ll hear about frequently these days, along with some links for further information, and links to devices we’ve tested here at ITP:
- 2.4 and 5.1 GHz
- Based on MAC, IP
- star network model (router and end devices)
- High speed, symmetrical duplex applications between multiple devices (multimedia, high interactivity)
- Tested devices: every mobile phone, tablet, and laptop; MKR1000; ESP8266 (including Huzzah and Thing dev board); embedded linux boards like Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone
- 2.4 GHz
- Based on MAC
- ~10m – 100m
- point-to-point model
- multiple services: UART, HID, Audio
- Designed as wireless USB replacement: session/datastream connections
- High speed, symmetrical duplex applications, typically between two devices at a time (multimedia, high interactivity)
- Tested devices: every mobile phone, tablet, and laptop; Bluetooth Mate; Bluefruit EZ Link Serial; Bluetooth speakers; Bluetooth mouse & keyboard devices
- 2.4 GHz
- Based on MAC
- ~10m – 100m
- point-to-point model
- multiple services
- publish-subscribe model: peripheral, central
- Designed for lower power devices
- High speed, symmetrical duplex applications, typically between two devices at a time (medium interactivity, e.g. trackers, personal sensors)
- Tested devices: every mobile phone, tablet, and laptop; Arduino 101; RedBear BLE Nano; RFDuino
- 863-870 MHz, 902-928 MHz, 779-787 MHz
- Based on MAC, IP
- long range: 2-5 Km up to 15 Km
- low power
- Spread spectrum
- low data rate
- star model, with servers, end devices, gateway
- designed for low power, high latency telemetry, e.g. remote sensors, low interactivity. not for full duplex high bandwidth applications
- Assumed to be deployed by a service provider who provides gateways: see also SigFox
- Tested devices: MKR1300, RFM95W
- 868MHz, 915 MHz, 2450 MHz
- Based on MAC 802.15.4
- 10-100m
- higher data rate than LoRa, but less than WiFi or Bluetooth
- designed for domestic appliances, e.g. Philips Hue
- mesh – coordinator, routers, end devices
- Tested devices: Digi XBee ZigBee and Digi XBee 802.15.4 (really just 802.15.4, but simple to use)
- 2.4GHz
- Based on 802.15.4, MAC, IPv6
- ~100m
- Designed for domestic appliances and internet integration (using IPv6)