Notes on the embedded OS boards and networked microcontrollers.
- Using a serial terminal to connect to an Embedded Linux Device (9 minutes) This video covers the Yun, BeagleBone, and Raspberry Pi. Regardless of the device you’re on, it’s fundamental to understand the serial terminal as a way to work on your device.
Arduino WiFi
These videos show a few things you might do with a WiFi-enabled Arduino like the MKR1010, MKR1000, or Nano 33 IoT. They introduce a couple libraries, the WiFiNINA library (for the MKR1010 and Nano 33 IoT) and the WiFi101 library (for the MKR1000) and the ArduinoHttpClient library. Most of these instructions should work with the ESP8266WiFi library as well.
- Wifinina_startup – An introduction to the WiFiNINA and WiFi101 libraries for Arduino, using a Nano33IoT. Everything in this video should also work for the MKR1000 and MKR1010 using the WiFi101 library.
- WiFI_status – How to check the status of your WiFi-connected Arduino, and get the MAC address.
- ArduinoHttpClient – An introduction to the ArduinoHttpClient library.
- ArduinoHttpClient_hue_control – An introduction to controlling the Philips Hue using the ArduinoHttpClient library.
- DMX_sACN_intro – A brief intro to DMX-512, with very short summary of different fixtures, followed by a demo using QLC+ and a DMXKing eDMX Pro1.
- DMX_sACN_Arduino – An intro to sending DMX-512 over streaming ACN (aka sACN, aka E1.31) from a WiFi-enabled Arduino.
- WiFi101Examples (also useful for the WiFiNINA library)
- MQTT examples
Arduino Yún
- Guide to using the Arduino Yún at ITP, by John Farrell, Dan Melancon, et. al.
- Introduction to the Arduino Yún, a 10-minute screencast of how to set up and connect.
- A nice intro to the Arduino Yún from Twilio.
- An hour-long intro to the Arduino Yún that I gave at ITP in the spring of 2014. Thanks to Alexanrda Coym for the editing that makes it usable.
- Playing Sound Files from an Arduino Yún
- Installing node.js on the Arduino Yún (not recommended unless you really need it; all of this class should be possible using Bridge)
- Sketches for configuring your Yún wifi and updating the firmware from Casa Jasmina project
BeagleBone Black
- Adafruit’s BeagleBone tutorials
- Installing Operating Systems on the BeagleBone Black
- WiFi on the BeagleBone
Raspberry Pi
- Setting up a Pi at ITP
- Pi Recipes
- Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi tutorials
- Ivan X’s Pi Resources, including Pi Filler and Pi Copier, two very useful tools for preparing a pi disk image.
- Preparing an SD card for the Raspberry Pi
- Changing the hostname of your Raspberry Pi – it’s a good idea to change the name, so we don’t end up with dozens of devices on the network all with the same name.