Chakr Glove

Peiyu Luo

Hand gesture is the most natural way that people interact with the world. Chakr Gloves is a pair of gloves providing haptic feedback and gesture recognizing functions, which help people gain a better experience interact with the virtual environment.


The technology that enables the core experience that comprises virtual reality is progressing quickly, but as VR headsets become more advanced companies are looking to where the next generational leap in VR will come from. Arguably, that next advance will probably involve input. With spatial movement of motion and gestures, we can design and train a computer to get a better understanding of user’s intent. Meanwhile, we can enhance user experience by providing visual and haptic feedback.

Chakr is my thesis project, I designed and build a pair of gloves equipped with motion tracking technology and haptic feedback system. It can work with both virtual reality and augmented reality environment. When paired with HTC Vive headset and trackers, the user could see their hand and finger movement in virtual environment. The glove brings intuitive interaction to virtual reality. With vibration motors set, the user would get instant feedback from virtual environment. By utilizing machine learning technology, it can read gestures and movements precisely.



Paper Plane

Chang Gao

A magical mixed-reality interaction with digital paper planes


This project is inspired by childhood memories of the first time we played with paper planes. To the little us, these planes are as real as the ones up in the cloud, with us being the pilots and our dreams being the passengers. To recreated the feeling of magical and playful interactions, I choose Augmented Reality and 3D sketches as the medium. The sketch will only show up when the AR device detected the certain area. In this way, the user will also have an exploring interaction with the space from this experience.


Magic Windows and Mixed-Up Realities, Sense Me, Move Me

Embodied Violence in Film

Bryan Hsu

Embody the physical violence depicted in a film.


Violence has been present in films for decades. The audience reactions to these violent depictions in film range from pained empathy to complete desensitization. This interactive piece aims to see if an added interaction of mimicking the violence on screen further enhances the audience's empathy towards these fictional victims. Conversely, does it unleash the hidden desires of an individual to further inflict damage on to others? Or perhaps neither.


Open Source Cinema, Readymades


Dhruv Damle

Seedling is a personal food harvesting system that lets you grow your own vegetables. It is a modular indoor greenhouse equipped with hydroponics, a microcontroller, sensors and actuators with which you can control the climate parameters best suited for your plants.


Future holds spectacular reforms in the ecosystems based around our daily needs. Food, the most basic need of the population, is currently undergoing some interesting experiments enabled by technology. With constraints on farming resources, food production and lifestyle are largely affecting each other, and technology is playing a key role in food production. Seedling is a personal food harvesting system that lets you grow your own vegetables. It is a modular indoor greenhouse equipped with microcontroller, sensors and actuators with which one can control climate parameters best suited for the plants. The audience is the set of people who would love to experiment and see how food production could be made more personal and customizable, and how it would impact our lifestyle in future.



Thesis Presentation Video

Shape of You

Dani Woo Hyun Kim

Shape of You is a multi-user interactive mirror that detects joints of the human body, allowing them to connect and create two-dimensional shapes through movement and spatial exploration.


Made possible by Microsoft’s Kinect and p5.js, Shape of You detects 24 joints of the human body enabled by Kinectron’s skeletal tracking. These joints act as the point-of-origin and connects with other joints based on distance as the bodies move. As one joint becomes closer to another, they will connect. Up to six bodies can interact with each other to construct abstract yet linear shapes, through movement and spatial exploration.


The World, Pixel By Pixel


Juan José Egúsquiza

Surreal reality


Image manipulation of images and videos and a final experience in Virtual Reality.
Reality is a series of experiments about reality. Through photography and the last piece in VR, my research is to explore and manipulate the idea of reality.


100 Days of Making, Thesis


Mona (Hayeon) Kim , Jina Jung

An immersive adventure of nature enabled by magical paintings.


“Dreamers” is an interactive art installation that dissolves the line between the virtual and dream worlds. Our aim for this project is to allow users to experience unlimited expressions of a virtual fantasy. We combine generative mapping and physical objects to create possibilities for expression and transformation to a virtual world. When users place one or multiple objects of small paintings on the table, digital animations will generate on the frosted acrylic surface as the camera detects them. Each animation will show immersive space that reflects virtual paintings. The paintings are designed based on natural elements found in this city such as grass growing between rocks or inside the cracks of stone. Thus, the elements can dream in the new virtual space. Users and painting objects become the adventurer, dreamers, and floaters in exploring the imaginative place.


Nothing: Creating Illusions, Open Source Cinema, Readymades


Dorothy Chi Hung Lam

beacon: a solar rechargable emergency signal wristband that can be repurposed for other GSM message delivery.—BEACON-Emergency-SMS-wristband


After Serena's research, she found that all of the current distress signal wristbands in the market relies on an app that's being run simultaneously with a smart phone, which limits the user accessibility. So we're designing a wristband that will be solar rechargable and has complete GSM capabilities on its own.


Homemade Hardware


Dana Abrassart

emBody is an exploration in encouraging a body-mind connection through the use of movement sonification.


As anyone who has fallen in love understands, the mind can physically affect the body. Reciprocally, there is growing evidence that bodily experiences can shape our cognitive states, an idea known as embodied cognition. emBody is an exploration in encouraging a body-mind connection through the use of movement sonification and the latest motion capture technologies.



Waiting in the Rain

Samantha Schulman

Umbrella lamp for a bus stop that interacts with and simulates rain.


It is an umbrella that will be on a stand as if it was placed at a bus stop. It will glow dimly until someone walks underneath. Then it uses audio and light to simulate the feeling of rain. When it is actually raining, lights above will turn on where water hits.
Please visit the Project URL to find out more.


Homemade Hardware, Light and Interactivity