Mass Extinction

Dylan Dawkins, Emily Lin, Mingna Li, Maya Pruitt

an interactive Geological rock wall


Mass Extinction is an interactive exhibit inspired by the work of Dr. Michael R. Rampino, a professor in the Biology and Environmental Studies Department at New York University.

As a geologist, Rampino’s research focuses on mass extinctions – cataclysmic events that wipe out large numbers of species in a relatively short period of geological time. Rampino studies the causes of mass extinctions, the geological evidence that they happened, and their lasting impact. His work is done both in the lab and out in the field, where sedimentary rock layers can be examined for clues about Earth’s history.

You are invited to step into the shoes of a geologist with this interactive. Using a tablet, you can excavate the rock layers and scan for evidence of mass extinctions. AR components will provide bite-size pieces of information to teach you more about geological history.


Playful Communication of Serious Research

CRISPR Detective

Adrian Bautista, Antonio Guimaraes, Caroline Neel, Jingyi Wen, Veronica Alfaro

An interactive exhibit to educate visitors on CRISPR's abilities–and risks.


CRISPR detective is a three-module educational exhibit that we created for the final project for Playful Communications of Serious Research. The first module introduces the user to concepts like DNA, genes, mutations, and metastasis, as well as learn about CRISPR, a new tool. The second module is an analog data splicing experience, where the user has to use tactile clues to identify a mutation. The third module is an arcade-like game, where users compete to identify members of the “metastasis mafia” from a giant pool of genes.


Playful Communication of Serious Research

Pillow Talk

Matthew Ross

Experimental Pillow Based Voice Sampler And Instrument


Pillow talk allows you to scream into your pillow when you have a lot of problems, but the twist is it will take your voice and modulate it into sweet granular noise. This is a performance tool and musical experiment based around the idea of appropriating interfaces for new uses.
