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Cut by Nuntinee Tansrisakul and Yuguang Zhang
The Firebird by Fernando Gregório Catto
cyberdance by Tina Tomthong Rungsawang, Adi Dahiya, Youngmin Choi, Adele Chi
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Since 03.22.2020 | Watch
Sarah Beck, Vasudha Rengarajan, Rae Ruilin Huang, and Christine Zou
Habits now just $19.99 | Watch
Sam Landa, Madison O’Halloran, Gioia von Staden, Sarah Yasmine Marazzi-Sassoon
Composition in Confinement | Watch
Defne Onen
“Digital Shaman” is an audiovisual performance that is inspired by Korean exorcism ritual and shaman vision, powered by p5.js. My project is largely based on FFT, which constantly analyzes the frequency and amplitude of a sound track (bass, mid range, treble). Those parameters, mapped in certain ranges, give variations for the properties of objects (size, rotation, movement, etc.). The first chapter begins with thousands of tiny particles that move along the canvas like a burning incense, which is often used for rituals in East Asia. As the percussion comes in, geometrical patterns appear and respond for bass, mid, or high frequencies of the track. After both visual and audio components reach the climax, they gradually fade out and leave the incense particles only. I projected this sketch to the wall as stage lighting, and gave a dance performance. It visualizes as if the performer was possessed by the shadow behind.
Trinity is an electronic music composition that I composed for my capstone project. The idea of this project initially comes from the number “three”. “Three”is a very crucial idea in the world of numerology. Besides, it has so many derivatives that have been commonly used in our daily life. The term “trinity” itself is derived from the number three, and it has a fundamental influence in the world of religions, especially the Catholic church. The term Trinity has long influenced the world and it has also appeared in some popular culture phenomenon regrading religious studies. For example, Trinity is a major female character in the Matrix franchise. Speaking of that franchise, it is seemingly to tell the story of the Bible in a brand-new way with characters that has biblical or theological references, such as Neo, Morpheus, etc. The term three is also very common in other forms of art, such as theatre, where three-act is a common form to write a play with. It also exists in the realm of other performance arts, such as magic/illusion, where the most ubiquitous way of performing a magic trick consists of three parts, i.e., firstly, revelation, which is the part you show something, secondly, vanishing, which is the part you let something disappear, and thirdly, the prestige, where the vanished object reappear in the most astonishing way. So, in response to these interesting phenomena, I composed three different compositions based on the same theme. I’m trying to put the limit of one theme and show the different moods that the variations of one theme can produce.
Wales' songs are so spaced out to hear that what sounds like a gigantic, drawn-out and endless moan is perhaps only one consonant to them. Similarly, a bird with a high-pitched and agitated sing may perceive us as we perceive the whales. It's difficult to perceive each other with one's constant time.
Between the limits of document and fiction, the project creates a semi-fictional narrative which simulates an extraterrestrial creature with different brain processing system and unique facial organizations. Human audiences can only try to understand what it hears with their limited cognition.
You will be taken to his computer…to find out the truth.
This interactive documentary takes you to the mysterious case of Skai Qin, an unemployed young man who is suspected that he brutally murdered his roommate, Ian. However, after the police detective, Darren Chu, found out that they look exactly identical, things started to become more and more out of control.
Greatly inspired by the popular game “Her Story”, this interactive “mockumentary” brings you to the computer screen of the detective Darren Chu. With each click triggering the next move, you will be guided to find out the truth, or not.
Inspired by the story of the butterfly dream written by Zhuangzi, this project aims to illustrate the mind flow of different layers of the dream. From the surface of the dream to the subconsciousness, the audience will go deeper and deeper. With the boundary of virtual and reality being questioned, people are led to Zhuangzi’ inquiry from thousands of years ago – Am I dreaming of the butterfly, or the butterfly is dreaming of me?
This project is inspired by the ATOM text editor's icon. By using gravitational force in p5.js, I create an atom structure layer by layer, core to electron, electron to the general sphere of an atom. By adding clicking interaction, audience can build up an atom structure layer by layer.
This is a visual project inspired by teamLab light show and movie Interstellar. Light, in my mind, always represents hope and life. In this special time, people cannot go out to see that fantastic art show. Some of the people even feel desperate and sad in quarantine life. Hence, I wish to use p5.js to bring this amazing light performance nto the digital world, bring hope and happiness to my audience. This project is supposed to be available in multiple media, like VR/AR, mobile devices, and PC. Currently, I mostly work on the laptop. Inspired by Interstellar, I combine light performance with 3d spaces, allowing users to explore 3d space and travel around in the multi-dimensional digital world. Besides light, I also add 3d spheres and 2d rotating triangle into space. By moving around, it will be interesting to feel the encounter of 2d graphs, 3d graphs, and space.
Cyberdance is an interactive chat room dance experience that explores ways of expanding comfort zones through trust, intimacy, and spontaneity. It gives the audience ability to interact with each other, as well as with the performers, with immediate feedback. Cyberdance makes a statement about our current state of virtual existence and interactions through the lens of voyeurism, with an added layer of playfulness and entertainment.
Rhythm, or 律 in Chinese, means both the pattern of things and the rhythm of sound. In this project, we aim to explore the rhythm of body movement and how can it be integrated into the computer graphics. The hand gesture and body movement of the dancer guide the movement and change of the pattern, the pattern in return communicates with the dancer while maintaining its own rhythm.