Intergalatic Garden

In this interactive garden in outer space, you can evolve a garden to your liking using artificial intelligence.

abby lee


In this intergalactic garden, users can create their own garden in outer space. Users are initially brought to a garden of flowers, moving in random fluid motions. They can mouse over flowers with attributes they like, evolving the garden to have more of these particular attributes. This project uses a genetic algorithm to take into account users’ preferences so they evolve a garden to their liking.


Command Escape

Command Escape is a 3D rendered video which presents a fictional universe situated in a far future inside of the desktop background.

*** The password for viewing the vimeo link is “commandescape”. I will be sure to make it public once the show approaches, this is still an old version that's a work in progress. ***

Cezar Mocan


Command Escape is a 3D rendered video which presents a fictional universe situated in a far future inside of the desktop background. Starting from one of the iconic images shipped with Windows XP, bliss.png, the piece imagines a world where the desktop has evolved into an ecosystem which blends together elements of nature, ritual, computer iconography and mythology.

The video is framed as a journey inside of the desktop’s 3-dimensional space, presented through the first person perspective of a human exploring the place. The traveler starts in an enclosed space, surrounded by rotating computer monitors, and slowly makes their way out, passing a number of symbols associated with the desktop’s world: a CRT monitor framing the hills, an altar to the Recycle Bin, a cemetery made out of folder icons. The pace of walking through the space is slow, with sound and subtitles giving you insight into the traveler mind.

A loose retelling of the myth of Icarus, Command Escape proposes a speculative future to our engagement with technology, and creates a myth around it – one that is slow, romantic and absurd.

IMA/ITP New York
Synthetic Architectures

Gesture Controlled Moving Lights

Gesture controlled DMX moving head lights using body tracking data from the Kinect.

Nicole Cabalquinto


I used TouchDesigner to parse body tracking data from the Microsoft Kinect and madMapper to receive OSC messages that would change channel values to control the moving head lights.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2422.001, ITPG-GT.2133.001
Live Image Processing and Performance, Light and Interactivity

Almost American

A real-time simulation visualizing reported stories of Asian American hate crimes since the coronavirus outbreak

Katie Han, Sue Roh


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic, anti-Asian racism has increased dramatically across the country. This trend has left many in the Asian American community deeply scarred during a time of confusion and vulnerability for all. In America, Asians exist in a purgatorial status, frequently excluded from conversations about racism. We felt strongly that these stories should not be silenced under the false model minority narrative.

Our project seeks to convey the magnitude of recent hate crimes by depicting stories reported to the Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council. The simulation is populated with paper figures programmed with varying degrees of aggression walking along generated paths. When figures of different groups cross paths, the collision results in either a neutral or a negative encounter. One of the victim’s limbs falls and a story appears on the ground, which gradually fades away but leaves an imprint that permanently disrupts the landscape. The stories accumulate as the simulation runs until all of the figures are fully dismembered.

IMA/ITP New York
Video Sculpture

Interactive Turntable

Emulating a vinyl record player on Processing.

Amy Kang


“Interactive Turntable” is an emulation of a vinyl record player (turntable) on Processing. The user can use the turntable just as they would use it in real life, which is by placing the tonearm on the LP record. The tonearm moves closer to the center of the record as the playing continues. The user can change the start time of the music by moving the tonearm to different parts of the LP record and can stop the music by removing the tonearm from it. The turntable also contains a volume slider that can be used to adjust the sound volume.
Two soundtracks, namely “Moon River” sung by Audrey Hepburn and “Symphony No.5” composed by Beethoven, are available. Either song can be chosen by clicking on the according buttons.

IM Abu Dhabi
Introduction to Interactive Media


In the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, two NYU Abu Dhabi students aurally document their lives, being 8,656 km and 7 hours apart from each other—with one in Cairo, Egypt, and the other in Jeju, Korea.

Logaine Elshafie, Amy Kang


“[A]PART” is an aural documentation of our (Amy's and Logaine's) two different lives during the COVID-19 Pandemic, which made us return back home to Korea and Egypt in the middle of the Spring 2020 semester at New York University Abu Dhabi. Being approximately 8,656 km and 7 hours away from each other, we hoped to illustrate how different our day-to-day lives are, even in terms of what we hear, which many of us don’t usually think about. However, we also wanted to emphasize that despite being physically apart from each other, we are still a part of the NYU Abu Dhabi community and can keep in contact via the internet. The user can listen to the recorded sounds by hovering over each photo while scrolling down the one-page website.

IM Abu Dhabi
Communications Lab

Spying The Moon

This project visualizes the TR R-277 report, also know as Nasa’s Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events, and try to interpret this dataset with its historic background the “Space War”.

Lishan Qin


The dataset I visualize is Nasa’s Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events released in 1968, also known as the TR R-277 report. It was at that time the single most complete report of all observed lunar anomalies. It lists 536 pieces of records from 1500 till 1967 that include the date, the location, and the description of the reported abnormal lunar event observed from the earth. From the dataset, I can see a significant rise in the number of records after the Cold War began, the time when the historic event “Space Race” took place. Through the visualization of this report, my project intends to highlight the rise of the number of records during the Cold War to show the United States’ devotion to the “Space Race” and potentially their paranoia about being outdone in the race to the moon during the Cold War. While the TR R-277 may seem like an insignificant aspect of the US’s efforts in the “Space Race”, it is still a rather important project. By recording the Nasa’s observation of the abnormal events happening on the moon, it had helped the NASA to understand the moon, observe what they and their enemy are doing on the moon, and also to imagine what they and their enemy could do on the moon. After researching about the context and history of this data, I think that this dataset can show us three possible historic features. Firstly, the founding of NASA gradually contributes to the number of people devoted to the observation of the activity on the moon, which made the number of records at that time increase. Secondly, the tension of the race to the moon during the cold war had led to more research satellites sent to the moon which not only made the detected range on the moon wider but also made the number of detected activities increase. Thirdly, America's paranoia about the activities on the moon for fear of being surpassed in the space war has made their observation more careful and thorough. Thus, in my opinion, this dataset could reflect America’s devotion and passion about the moon during the time of the “Space Race”.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Critical Data & Visualization

Emojified Social Media

A research that processes English tweets with emojis and a data visualization on the use of Emojis on twitter, with regard to Sentiment, Spam, Combination & Position.

Chengyu Zhang


The project is based on a raw dataset of 18 million unprocessed English tweets with at least one emojis, as well as a file about the how these emojis are used in Twitter: how many are used in positive, neutral and negative tweets.

  For the analyze of the data, I calculated the sentiment score for each emoji – if it is used more in negative tweets, then it is more negative than positive. Then, using Python's VADER and NLTK library, I get the text sentiment for each tweet. Other than that, I processed the data to get the average Position of each emoji, Combinations of emojis in each text, the number of times one emoji is Spammed in each text.

  Therefore, for the project, it is a visualization of my result of the research mainly using d3.js library. It includes five different interactive graphs, each represents one aspect of my result.

  Hope you enjoy it!

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Critical Data & Visualization

Toilet Paper Mania – VR Museum

A virtual experience that invites people to relive, rethink, and reflect their responses/ their change of behaviors towards the toilet paper mania during COVID-19.

Yiting Liu


This project creates a virtual experience that invites people to relive, rethink, and reflect their responses/ their change of behaviors towards the toilet paper mania during COVID-19. It is constructed as a museum experience with curated items such as footages, quotes, and sculptures about toilet paper. Viewers enter into a toilet paper roll and tour around the content as the water level rises up, which then eventually floods away all information before they can fully process it. This is to mimic how what we experienced forced us into a panic buying situation during the COVID-19. When there is a threat to our survival, panic and fear set in, impeding our rational decision-making. Through this interaction, I would love for people to reflect on the subtle changes in their mental states and behaviors during COVID-19.

IMA/ITP New York
Video Sculpture
VR\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\AR,Social Good/Activism

家: An Art Book on Intergenerational Trauma

“家” is a multimedia art book that chronicles my experience with intergenerational trauma within my Chinese American family.

Maya Yanjie Wang


My book exposes and chronicles intergenerational trauma within my Chinese American family. Three generations of my family’s history are recounted through interviews, poetry, photos, and paintings. Topics such as parent/child relationships, domestic abuse, mourning, and diaspora are addressed. I created this book not only to document and spark discussion about difficult and painful familial relationships, but also to reconcile my own experiences in an act of catharsis. The narrative progresses and regresses in a nonlinear way to reflect the true process of healing.

I invite viewers to interact with my work and think about their own experiences in tandem. Discussing family trauma is stigmatized, and when left unresolved, trauma manifests in dysfunction that is inherited by the next generation. The conception of this project stemmed from a desire to reconcile my own experiences, but it has developed into the creation of a metaphorical space where people can discuss and reflect on the shared issues and experiences of a minority identity. Art that comes from an honest and personal place has the ability to resonate with people and be a medium for self-reflection – despite the deeply varied human experience – because of universal themes.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Capstone Studio (Shanghai)
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