
Retrive your love for yourself in the journey of epiphany through a series of movements.

mia fanjannie zhou


Our project aims to navigate users through our storyline using movements. The setting is the main character commited a suicide and are currently in the ocean. The user will be asked to swim to manipulate a dot with halo on the screen representing the spirit of the character on the brink of life and death. When hitting certain spots on the page, a new webpage will open and the users will be asked to learn some poses like shaking hands and laughing through a piece of memory from when she/he is still alive. After going through all the memory, in the ending page you will be asked to face yourself and use the poses you leared to get out of the sea.


Make the pose as shown on the screen to enter next level!

Mia Fan



Overall it is a posenet project. In this project, players need to adjust their posture to get into the next challenge. The outline of posture they need to do will be shown on screen. Players will be given time to adjust their posture. If players touch the limit of the posture or their posture is not standardized enough, their AP will be eliminated. When AP reaches 0, the game's over.

I use Posenet to catch the player's movement real-time. If technically allowed, I may develop multi-players mode in the future.

The original idea came from the TV show I watched when I was young. There was a wall made of foam board moving to the player and the player needed to adjust their pose before the wall hit them. I tried make the image move but I failed:D Actually the project is not stable enough, but it can be played haha. Hope you have fun~

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Movement Practices and Computing
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