
A system of configurable fabric patches and AR filters used to create mixed reality apparel for photos/videos of users.

kat vlasova


ARCouture is a system of configurable fabric patches and Instagram AR filters used to create mixed reality apparel for photos/videos of users.

It functions in the following way:

The user gets a cloth base that can be sewn onto their clothing to which they then can attach different asymmetrical patches.These patches serve as AR image trackers which trigger different Instagram AR effects to appear over the user’s body based on the patch design that the camera has scanned.

When the user wants to wear a different design on their clothing, they also get a different AR overlay by using the corresponding Instagram filter and scanning the new patch design.

The main purpose of this project was to develop a product that has a tangible component that is directly linked to the user’s online presence, leverages the visual possibilities of 3 dimensional augmented reality design, and allows the user to wear multiple looks without the environmental cost of buying fast fashion frequently.

Galaxy Wandering

Take the spaceship and rush to the universe!

Yi Er Cao


My project creates an experience of manipulating with the spaceship to wander around the universe and explore diverse galaxies. Users mainly see through a small hole designed for their eyes. Meanwhile, users mainly interact with one joystick to control the direction of the scope, and with the other one, users can target at different galaxies, press the joystick to get the color of the target, and the light in the box will change according. The light is changing as if you are entering the galaxy.

This project doesn't have some profound implication or meaning, just want to create a visually aesthetic enjoyment which is kind of similar to the concept of VR.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Interaction Lab

VR Confinement Sketches

30-second VR narratives made from photogrammetry scans of personal spaces.

Celine Yu, Hank D Wu, Jessica Chon, Michael Naimark, Qianyi Chen, Tian Qin, Wenhan Dou, Yayuan Zheng, Yanru Zhu, Zexing Li


The 9 students were asked to reflect on their confinement environments and express their feelings about it. Though they knew the final project would be in VR, they began with conventional photography. They then learned photogrammetry with their smartphones (mostly using Metashape) and how to export to and compose in Unity, while also writing and recording 30-second personal voice-overs and background audio. They also added simple shapes, lighting, and “camera on rails” movement, then exported to stereo-panoramic video, which we titled and uploaded to YouTube as a 5-minute a 3D 360 video.

Special thanks to David Santiano, our Research Associate for Telepresence!

IMA/IMB Shanghai
VR I AR Fundamentals

Around the World

Take a tour around the universe through manipulation of your hands.

Zain Majid


The Leap Motion Controller is a world-class tracking module that uses your hands to move around on the screen. My project takes the user around the world through the manipulation of my very hands. Had this been in person, it would have allowed the user to use their own hands to travel wherever they would like to go.

The first half of the video takes the user through the universe via an application called Exoplanet. Shortly thereafter, they are taken around the world to admire the wonders of the world as shot by Google Earth. All edits were completed in Adobe Premiere Pro, using visual effects and manipulations learned in my Live Video Performance Arts Class with Professor Max Nova.


Remodeling the Mundane

Building a memory palace with 3D-scanning technologies

Zehua Wang


This project is inspired by Fred Dretske’s theory on our ontological development and Derren Brown’s interpretation of the “memory palace”. Dretske argues that information is the core of the development of our “umwelt”, the consciousness of our “self” and the surroundings. He further defines “knowledge” and “perception” as the two main status of our acquired knowledge (Dretske). Derren Brown challenges the interpretation of the “memory palace” merely as a tool for the purpose of memorizing better. He sees the “memory palace” as a virtual space that helps with a more successful spiritual development (Brown).

Many scholars and artists have touched upon either the ontological discussion of the “self” or the various representations of a “memory palace”, but few of them have explored or discussed the privacy nature of these topics. Thus, this project attempts to challenge the long-believed privacy and self-centered nature of the ontological development and explore the possibility of building a “umwelt” shaped from both individual and collective experiences.

The project will be an interpersonal experience in which the audience can both annotating their own memory and experience in a digitalized virtual environment and actively interact with others’ annotations. The project turns physical public space into a digital environment by 3D-scanning the space and reconstructing the environment using photogrammetry. This reconstructed digital environment allows the audience to associate their own memories and experiences with different parts of the environment and annotate the related memories right on the spot. Besides annotating their own memories and experiences, they can also explore others' annotations in this digital environment, leave comments, learn other's experiences and memories, further extend their own memory palace, as well as use them as part of their own spiritual development.

IMA/IMB Shanghai
Capstone Studio (Shanghai)

The Gentrified App

The Gentrified App takes a critical look at the effects of gentrification by highlighting what is lost in the name of “progress” as rapidly escalating housing prices displace lower-income and communities of color.

MaryAnn Talavera


“Hidden gem,” “up-and-coming,” “revitalized, “reimagined,” the language of gentrification often paints lower income/working class neighborhoods as needing to be improved by new developments. The identity of neighborhoods is often erased through a process of rebranding. For example, Spanish Harlem becomes SpaHa, the South Bronx is transformed into SoBro, reinforcing the idea that these areas need to fundamentally change in order to become more valuable.

This project contains two main elements, an app and a commercial. Created in Unity, the Gentrified App prompts users to question what is lost in the name “improvements” brought on by rental increases, as well as real estate and commercial developments. Using augmented reality, the app replaces “Elsa’s,” a popular Uptown Manhattan Dominican restaurant with a 3D model of a high-rise building. The building includes a Starbucks on the ground floor.

The Gentrified App commercial follows a Brooklyn hipster exploring a new (to her) area of New York city. Guided by her Columbus Realty agent, the main character prances around the area, oblivious to the negative impact of gentrification on the residents and business around her. Using augmented reality and a bit of satire, this project asks how many local businesses will be replaced by bank chains, big box stores, and overpriced hipster restaurants? How can we fight back against the displacement of the communities that make the various neighborhoods of New York great?

IMA/ITP New York
In and Out of Reality: Integrative Mixed-Reality (XR) Studio

VR History – NYC

This project uses virtual reality to guide the viewer on a historically accurate tour through three snapshots of an intersection over the course of New York City history.

Ethan Printz


This Unity-based VR experience seeks to recount New York City’s history through the perpetual changing of its environments. One location is tracked through its many changes over hundreds of years. The hope is to be factual in nature, educational in context, and fun to experience. For the purposes of this virtual show, I will act as tour guide through the historical environment, guiding viewers through a first-person view while explaining the historical significance of the environments. The location I chose for this incarnation of the project is just off the Northeast corner of Washington Square Park, on the street of Washington Square East, as this location had an abundance of historical reference material to examine and carries personal weight for many of the students in our community. I examined hundreds of photos, drawing, maps, and writings to construct these environments as realistically as possible- though there is still some manipulation of the visual environment and usage of assets to cut down on modeling time needed in light of my other four final projects. Movement in the experience is teleportation-based, both around the environment and onto points in order to teleport between time periods. While the project is in a perfectly presentable and feature-complete at the moment, there will nonetheless be some small additions to it by the time of the show. I’ll scatter about some of my reference materials within the scene, will improve the audio soundscapes, and will touch up the modeling and placement of assets within the scenes.

IMA/ITP New York
Immersive Experiences (UG)


Record the diary in a meditative way

Dan Qi Qian, Tianxu Zhou


It’s an AR voice diary where users could record their own diary and the recording will be translated into a simple drawing in the space, at the same time, users will get audio feedback which in the end will be turned into music composition.

IMA/ITP New York
Mobile Lab

Synthetic Gardens, Electric Dreams

Upon waking up from your REM sleep, join a tour with me in the synthetic gardens, electric dreams

Caren Ye


As virtual reality transforms us into an immersive space, the wandering experience in the synthetic garden resembles our experiences in the REM sleep stage, which is associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, learning, and problem solving to visit our unconscious mind.

Using human bodies, gestures, imaginary creatures with elements from man-made world and nature, the garden unwraps a world inspired by the unheeded nature, fantasy fictions, traditional Chinese garden art (Yuanlin) and rituals, speculating the relationship between man and nature in the digital neutropia.

It will also be like an interactive audio-visual experience with spatial music arranged throughout the journey.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2422.001, ITPG-GT.2177.001
Live Image Processing and Performance, Synthetic Architectures

Plastic Ocean

Plastic Ocean is a game which represents how both conscious and unconscious actions and habits of human beings lead to ocean pollution.

Tiger Tian, Luize Rieksta, Nhi Pham Le Yen


“Plastic Ocean” is a game which tells a story about ocean plastic pollution and how humans contribute to it. Although originally “Plastic Ocean” was meant as a VR experience, alterations had to be made because of the current situation. There are two scenes in the game. In the first scene, the user finds themselves in a common multi story building living room. There are plastic containers scattered around the room and the player can interact with these plastic containers around – pick them up and drop them. The player then finds a television and clicking it triggers a video to play. After watching a short clip about ocean pollution, the user teleports to an underwater world. At first it is pristine and clean and many sea creatures are swimming around. The user follows a guided path by seaweeds and overtime notice plastic containers from the first scene appearing around them in the ocean. Eventually all sea creatures disappear and plastic takes over the ocean. After making a loop around the ocean it is possible to teleport back to the first scene in the living room to reflect back on the actions taken in the first scene.

IM Abu Dhabi
Alternate Realities
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