Hover and scroll down and listen !!!
siyuan yu
The Images and and the two characters in my project are screenshots taken from two video games called “Ori and Wills of the Wisps” and “Ori and the Blind Forest” by Moon Studios. In this project, is a story that Ori and Naru (The two Characters) were brought to a dangerous place and they had to escape from that place and to find the paradise where they can stay safe (In the second Picture). The background sound of thunder and roar was simulating by me.And users and hover to the two characters to listen to their voices to find their mood at that time. When the scrolling down to the third picture, you will be very easily hover on the body of the great devil, and might be frightened by the sudden roar of the devil. But that’s one of my goal to make user realize that they have met a devil. In the fourth picture, the background music becomes harmonious, and there is an eagle flying by. The user can hover on the eagle to hear the sound of the eagle. In the last page, the two characters reach to the paradise successfully. Users can hover on the two characters to hear the change of their mood. And the final background music is echoing to the bgm in the first page. In the first page, there was only piano, and it was played and recorded by me. The bgm in the last page is the Game OST, which add some more elements including human voices.