Category Archives: Class

Virtual Memory / Memory Memory

Sarah Rothberg

Virtual Memory/ Memory Memory is a series of artistic research projects examining the relationship between memory, media, attention, loops, attention, media, and memory.


Media reflects the moment it was created. What is the effect on memory of shifting from analog, fixed in physical time and space, to digital? Does the relative mutability of digital archives leave us stuck in loops?

"Attn:Lifelog" passively indexes gopro footage with eeg attention data.

"URLoop" is a browser extension which alerts users when they navigate from website to website in a looped pattern mirroring deterministic thought processes of people with memory loss.

"Memory Place" is composed of personal memory artifacts, digital and digitized, arranged in a navigable virtual environment. The space created from my own memory-artifacts functions as a prototype: I will offer memory-virtualization services for a modest fee via the web.


Jon Wasserman

A dedicated virtual space for New Yorkers to vent and express their dissatisfaction with New York.


It would seem unnecessary to create an outlet for people, New Yorkers no less, to express themselves given the social media landscape. However, this dedicated space for anonymous self-expression and civic reflection has a niche purpose. Utilizing flow theory this site nurtures the range of social commentary, superficial to profound, without the gravitas, friction or obligation of forum involvement.

VENT NY serves as scapegoat, megaphone, burning effigy, bilge pump and litmus strip.

The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine

Natalie Tschechaniuk

The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine is an opportunity to experience a different perspective of Coney Island through a collection of personal histories. Visitors select a category and are transported through audio to another time.


The Amazing Interactive Memory Machine (AIMM) is a site-specific vending machine that dispenses memories. Placed on the Coney Island boardwalk, visitors are invited to choose a memory by pressing a button. With each press, listeners have a new opportunity to hear stories from other New Yorkers, stories about things that have changed or that persist despite change. At the conclusion of each story, a souvenir receipt prints out. Listeners can contribute to the machine by calling and leaving their memories on a voicemail system. AIMM offers a personal perspective of an historical place and an opportunity for unexpected experiences.

Simply Hunt – An online NYC apartment rental site

Jonas Pedersen

I'm putting all NYC rental listings in one place. I'm taking real time data, and keeping it free, honest, simple, and user friendly. By making the hunt for an apartment as simple and transparent as possible, I'm putting the fun back into the hunt.!/


Finding an apartment in New York City is stressful and expensive. The problem is two-fold for tenants. You have to find the right apartment and then get application approval in a market that favours property managers and is controlled by brokers. Property management listings are public domain but most NYC residents don’t know they exist, they don’t know where to find the listings, and searching through them individually is highly inefficient. I am filling this gap by putting the listings in one place. I am taking real time data, keeping it free, honest, simple and user friendly.
Simplyhunt offers 3 services:
1: Find an apartment
2: Setup view appoint with landlords
3: Custom tailored application based on specific management requirements


Natasha Dzurny

A simple kinetic display for personal information, at a glance.


With the mass adoption of smartphones, wearables, and apps that collect personal data, so much is being tracked. Glance builds on the quantified self market to enhance the way collected data influences its users. It makes information more available, more relevant, and more beautiful by placing simple, iconic displays in meaningful places. Glance is a kinetic wall piece designed as home decor and includes a configuration app for multiple data sources. Using basic geometric shapes, the display is read quickly at a glance. As the smartphone slips away from the center of the digital ecosystem, look to Glance for a relevant display of knowledge, understanding and inspiration.


Jorge A. Brake

A mobile app that encourages serendipitous exploration and discovery of city neighborhoods.


Serendicity is an attempt to upend the normative travel experience. Travelers often have a specific destination in mind when they arrive to a new city. Rather than taking the fastest route there, why not explore a more interesting one? Leveraging open APIs and frameworks, the mobile app generates walking routes based on location, time, and preferences. The end result: less structure, more serendipity, and hopefully a different travel experience.

Dream Mirror

Norah Solorzano

Physically manifesting my dreams so that others may interact with them.


Dream Mirror is an art installation consisting of a series of animated dioramas depicting different dreamscapes with which the viewer may interact and explore. It is a curiosity cabinet filled with a collection of dream memories. The viewer plays the part of voyeur stealing glances into the dreamworld I have created as the drawers are explored, then ultimately becomes co-architect of this world as their presence affects these dreamscapes. The viewer is given the power of connecting these tableaus into a narrative by exploring them with a tiny camera, each visitor creating their own surreal story out of these dream worlds. The very private experience of dreaming is thereby turned into a public and collaborative experience.

Hello Rabbit!

Ju Young Park

"Hello Rabbit!" is an interactive storytelling book for children, aged from 6 to 8, to play with programming logic. My purpose of thesis is to let every future citizen know programming by learning computer science logic at early age.


"Hello Rabbit!" is an ipad book application for children, aged from 6 to 8. It is an animated interactive book that allows young users to play and learn with computer science logic including mathematics concepts such as x and y variables, if-else statements, loops, and etc. This app is designed to let users control and alter animated illustrations of the book by simply putting computer science logic inside the story. For instance, animation of a rabbit jumping once can be changed to jumping infinite times by embedding 'conditional statements' inside the story. The purpose of this activity is to create user experience with programming logic at early age, so that younger generations can grow up as future computer scientists.

Horizon: A 3D game in 4D space

Omer Shapira

E. Killing lives in a 4D simulation of the 3D world.
It's a recording – everything has already happened.
Her device, The Horizon, reconstructs her world in time slices, like a slit-scan camera.
She needs to find her way out of the simulator.


Horizon is a 4D puzzle game. Every scene in it is a pre-recorded 3D physical reality over a period of time. As Killing moves through the game, she uses the Horizon to select a shift in time to solve her problem – From her perspective it just looks like slit imaging, but she's actually forming a 3D physical space.
When she spots a brick falling from an abandoned building, E. Killing stretches that point in time, extending her perspective from the brick's drop until impact. She has just created a staircase she can climb.
Construction of Horizon required building a new game engine, called the Unruh Engine, which allows rapid recollection of pre-recorded geometry in 4 dimensions onto a coherent 3D scene with all of the usual game mechanics.

New Circuits for Dancing with Light

Justin Lange

A study of the history of objects that extend human limbs in dance, their problematic LED corollaries in contemporary EDM ("electronic dance music") culture, and the creation of a new Light Instrument that affords dancers artistic choice.


LEDs wands, poi, hoops and other "light-up" instruments and toys constitute a desired aesthetic in EDM culture, but as tools for individual movement-based expression, they are no more expressive than a flashlight. Most LED devices have only two states ("on" or "off"), or offer preprogramed sequences. Several state-of-the art POV ("persistence of vision") devices allow custom images to be uploaded, but none allow immediate control over LEDs' expressive potential, such as luminance or hue. To encourage light dancing that is not simply pretty but also expressive, I created a new hand-held kinetic instrument with onboard sensors and controls that allow dancers to spontaneously generate and display novel light patterns while dancing.