Read a poem and see what a surprising will happen!
My project inspired by Sama dance in Sufi ceremony. The project will have two main parts. The first one related to the codes that I coded them in p5js. I used speech cognition libraries to detect the specific words that the user pronounced. The second part is related to two sculptures which stand on a surface and the code will affect them. also there are some lights what I used them to lighting the project. Actually in the project I will ask a user to read a poem of Rumi. As she reads the poem first of all a music will start to play then some LEDs will turn on and off, sort of lighting and then the sculptures will start to move due to the specific words that the user said. In fact I will choose 4 words between the words of the project and also will define 5 states in physical computing side which was implemented by Arduino. In the first state the music will play playing then in the second state the lighting will turn on and off and in the third state one of the sculptures will start to dance. In the forth one both of the sculptures will dance and in the last one the project will stop working.
Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>An interactive installation tree that is able to visualize individual's worries, store the worries and send back the worries via postcards.
Worry Capsule Tree is an interactive installation that incorporates creative coding, physical computing as well as fabrication. The basic idea of this installation is to allow its viewers to talk to a tree about their recent worries and anxiety. In return, the tree will listen to the audience and help them “store” their worries. These stored worries will be sent back to their owners in the future as a surprise in the format of a digital postcard.
The idea of this project came from one of the two creator, Yuan’s personal experience, when he feel desperately stressful and upset due to the urgent accident or crazy schedules and deadlines, his mind would shut down, and he could barely do anything like a paralyzed soldier. Under this circumstance, he would stop doing anything and write down my thoughts, worries, and the reasons why he felt the extremely negative feelings. After I talked to my notebook or a piece of random paper, he felt relieved, and he could start to organize my mind again.
After half of a year later, when he saw my worries and thought again, the emotion has converted from negative to positive feeling. As a result, we want to transform this interaction with to a physical interaction device. We want to create a device or installation that is very approachable. You can tell all your secrets to the invention, and it will “listen” and help you store your worries and thoughts. The device will upload your thoughts to the computer, and you can set the date you want to listen to it again. In a nutshell, this is a “time capsule” of your emotions.
Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>Float between what was and what could have been on November 8th, 2016, as three young women would remain as always, indestructible
Spherescape is about mixing reality and fantasy, weaving between two hypothetical worlds in the blink of an eye in a floating lantern viewing pod. On November 8th, 2016, two diverging scenarios emerge as three young women celebrate on a rooftop. In one, they are a united force that strengthen one another as they brace themselves for a challenging future. In the other, they relish in an epic historic moment as the election of the first female president of the U.S. is announced. Spherescape is an exploration of the gap between traditional viewing experiences and emerging immersive formats, as well as between our memories and hopes.
Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Computational Media
]]>ViBreather is an embodied mediation, sending vibrations along the spine which respond to user's inhales and exhales, enabling a radical experience of the subtle body.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor Frankl, Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor. Increasing unconscious awareness allows more opportunities for choice in re-action to life events rather than the typical automatic reactions. I am interested in breath awareness because I believe it to be key for becoming aware of the unconscious. Breath unconsciously moves through the body until attention is brought to it, when it can then be consciously manipulated, or as in some mediation practices, consciously held attention while allowing the breath to remain unconsciously controlled. The vest is designed to bring the subtle experience of breathing to the external body in a radical way to aid users in attuning to their breath and the way it moves through the body. Furthermore, it encourages diaphragmatic breathing, a technique used to calm an activated central nervous system, and reduce symptoms commonly associated with stress, which may include high blood pressure, headaches, stomach conditions, depression, anxiety, and others. The Intention of Vibreather is to encourage greater breath and body awareness, and ultimately aid in creating an embodied meditative state. Five vibrating motors are placed along the spine over the “chakras”, which according to yoga philosophy are the energy centers of the body, which the motors stimulate.
Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>The power to destroy a physical entity by the human mind.
I want to give an audience the opportunity to try out the brainwave sensor and also the joy of being destructive as a child. Just as when you demolish a sand castle which somebody else have built up carefully. We all know that feeling. It is childish, selfish, dark but on the other hand also very ecstatic.
I hope they will understand that these sensors are actually getting more and more accurate and they really give a raw data straight from your brain which other people can interpret. I also want them to stay focused in a cruel way and after trying the installation out feel a bit ashamed and guilty.
This is a participatory and time based installation where multiple people can try to destroy a physical entity by their thoughts. The time I provide them is exactly 2 minutes just as the “Two minute hate” in Orwell’s 1984. Within this time frame they have the opportunity to focus on destroying a castle cube made by sugar cubes. If they concentrate hard enough it means a motor arm will take action and start whipping black oil paint on the cube. I decided to use this material because its also nice visually if one person is doing it but by the end of the Winter Show I hope more people will destroy the cube entirely.
The cube itself will symbolise power. I decided not to give it a real form but just a general image which everyone can interpret as they wish for. The paint has to be oily and not only water based otherwise it collapses too early.
Digital Self-Defense- Security for Everyone, Introduction to Physical Computing, Mindfulness and Transformative Technologies
]]>Program the sounds of your everyday world into Lego blocks.<br />
The idea behind this toy was inspired by Seymour Papert's thoughts on learning programming in the 1960s. One of his most powerful ideas for me was that objects in our physical world are embedded with concepts about math, programming, and logic.
Legos are well known as good primers to math thinking , even programming. Each block is a discrete modules that contain information: color, size. In this toy, people can shuffle blocks on a board, and a speaker plays different sounds depending on the color of the block.
People can also “program” their own sounds into Lego colors, by pushing buttons on the dashboard. Instead of computery, sine wave sounds, I thought about how fun and open it feels to play with your voice, and your surroundings as a kid. Through found sounds, this makes physical what kids naturally do already: find patterns in sounds–even words– and in those patterns, music.
How does it work? It is important to me that this is an open system, where you don't need special bricks to play. There is no circuitry in the bricks or even on the board itself. A webcam reads the image of the board, and using p5.js graphic functions, the computer can discern discrete shades of red, yellow, green, blue. In the future version, you can even record your own colors for new bricks to play.
Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>Explore the darkness of the universe with a brave heart!
I play games a lot but I am so used to keyboards and joysticks. I was thinking how fun it would be if video games had more interactivity.
I watch movies a lot and I am a fan of Star Trek. Into the Darkness is one of my favorite sequel. So I decided to make a game with space elements and physical interactions.
I believe it would be best and intuitive for players to control a spaceship on the screen with a physical spaceship in the real world. In my project, players will explore the dangerous and mysterious space with their wit and mind. I used distance sensor to detect the altitude of the spaceship and map it into the three.js program.
Space is an eternal subject for humans so I believe my project would interest lots of people!
Thank you for your time and I would be really appreciated if my project is chosen.
Applications, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>Gamifying Personal Finance
Our Project is an arcade game that aims to teach users about personal finance. It has 3 levels that can be played in the time span of 15mins. Users are given specific goals in each level. As they go through the game, the game presents them with real life and emergency scenarios. They have to manage their savings and debt by making the right choice. Hence, managing the two balloons that represent debt and savings.
Designing for Digital Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>A set VR experiences to reflect on the sociopolitical aspects of everyday sexism
Sexism, harassment, abuse… They all have been historically regarded as personal issues, relegating them from the public discussion, and diverting attention of their status as sociopolitical systemic problems. We want to show what happens behind the doors (or windows, in this case), what women go through and how society as a whole contributes to the expansion of these issues.
Guided by the prompt “touch a window and use me to explore the stories behind” under a VR Cardboard, users select a window -lined with conductive fabric and wired with a capacitive sensor- which lights up the room showing the shadows of the characters inside. Then, the specific scene loads in the VR headset, so the users can immerse themselves in the daily experience the character goes through.
Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Computational Media, Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Physical Computing
]]>Baenana is an interactive XL banana that talks about modern day romance.
Modern day romance defies the traditional dating formula. You could be seeing someone for an extended time yet you might scare your love interest away if you attempt to confront your relationship status with each other. However, what is the line between platonic and romantic love?
Baenana endeavors to portray the unique dating culture in New York City. She channels the discomfort of oversharing her intimate experience through a seemingly innocent children’s toy. With users touching and peeling her, she unravels different stages of her relationship with men. Baenana questions if true love exists from her romantic first date of meeting someone to her nerve-wrecking fifth date with the same person unwilling to make any commitment. She approaches issues on modern day relationships with a sense of humor.
Baenana is made of felt, pillow stuffing, zippers, velcro, magnets, magnetic contact switches and a small piece of plexiglass. She is 20 inch tall, 5 inch wide and 5 thick. Her 4 peels are held up by mini magnets attached to the tip of the banana that also contains the same material. The magnetic contact switches are situated below mini magnets which toggles the sound that is being played via a mini MP3 player when detached from the other half on the peel. To find out more about Baenana, you gotta peel her (and unpeel her).
Introduction to Physical Computing