
Find the inner peace and present it physically by sound and light

jezzy zheng lu


Equilibrium is a light and sound sculpture, using glass beads as the main medium to change light and sound through human breathing. Equilibrium is an experience and a self introspective journey. It invites the audience to take some time to get back in touch with themselves.

The interaction is as follow: First the FSR that is under the rug senses when a person sits down and keeps still, the time of flight sensor starts to detect the person’s breathing frequency by detecting the person’s chest fluctuations. The time of flight sensor picks up different distances within a given threshold between insufflation and inspiration, and this frequency is mapped into the range of LED and vibration motor, to change the brightness and vibration frequency. Different amplitude values cause the glass bead to change position, thereby changing the light path and creating sound through friction. Simultaneously, the servo continues to perform regular movements of up and down, allowing the glass beads to fall from a high place to a low place; repeating this process continuously, it produces a sound similar to wind/rain in nature. This white noise quality of the sound helps audiences gradually gain inner peace. On one hand, Equilibrium attempts to visualize the subtle change of human consciousness, giving it physical properties, from intangible to tangible. On the contrary, the attributes of light and sound are relatively abstract comparing to concrete objects.

Equilibrium's entire device is also pursuing a balance, whether it is the teeter-totter structure that keeps repetitive motion or the continuous and stable state of brightness and amplitude with the steady flow of human breathing.
