Choreographic Interventions

Students and alums of the course Choreographic Interventions will be dancing in small boxes. Please join us for performances live, interactive and otherwise.

aditya dahiyafernando gregorionuntinee tansrisakultina rungsawangyoungmin choimimi (yue) yinyuguang zhang


Join us in Zoom for live performances:

Cut by Nuntinee Tansrisakul and Yuguang Zhang

The Firebird by Fernando Gregório Catto

cyberdance by Tina Tomthong Rungsawang, Adi Dahiya, Youngmin Choi, Adele Chi

Watch the films:

Since 03.22.2020 | Watch

Sarah Beck, Vasudha Rengarajan, Rae Ruilin Huang, and Christine Zou

Habits now just $19.99 | Watch

Sam Landa, Madison O’Halloran, Gioia von Staden, Sarah Yasmine Marazzi-Sassoon

Composition in Confinement | Watch

Defne Onen

See full program details here.


Cyberdance is an interactive chat room dance experience that explores ways of expanding comfort zones through trust, intimacy, and spontaneity.

Aditya Dahiya, Tina Rungsawang, Youngmin Choi


Cyberdance is an interactive chat room dance experience that explores ways of expanding comfort zones through trust, intimacy, and spontaneity. It gives the audience ability to interact with each other, as well as with the performers, with immediate feedback. Cyberdance makes a statement about our current state of virtual existence and interactions through the lens of voyeurism, with an added layer of playfulness and entertainment.

IMA/ITP New York
Choreographic Interventions

The web Firebird

The web Firebird is a live performance experiment on coding, choreography and augmented reality, designed for the web.

Fernando Gregorio


This project is going to be presented LIVE on the “Talk to the creator” link on:

Sunday, May 17 at 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm

Monday, May 18 at 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm

The Firebird used to live in a wet forest with their community. One day, without previous notice, their house was put on fire by someone who couldn’t understand the way they were living. And so the Firebird flies away from home. The Fire Bird migrates to the city, in the north, alone, and finds a place to sleep where no human could find them. The thing is that they were carrying an invisible fire seed inside their belly. So in the place where they slept, they dream for so long, that the invisible seed that was inside of their belly finds time to germinate and turns into a tree.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2037.001, ITPG-GT.2175.001, ITPG-GT.2480.001
Experiments in Augmented Reality, Choreographic Interventions, The Nature of Code


Cutting rhythms, cutting patterns. Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC.

Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Yuguang Zhang


Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC. It is co-created by Yuguang Zhang & Nuntinee Tansrisakul.

IMA/ITP New York
Choreographic Interventions

Composition in Confinement

Composition in confinement is a new media performance where the world outside is re-interpreted is search of a personal physical voice for our current beauty.

Defne Onen


I find that I’m really interested in the untold story of the two procedures of artistic and technical aspects of a project growing together and learning from each other; being in constant dialogue.

What does this growth look like in my work? Can I depict this in a performance? Can I turn this dialogue into an underlying structure that I can keep using?

How can I build an immersive environment, a choreographed world or a performance within my home to bring my body and my mind together? How can I depict this world through light and movement?

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2175.001, ITPG-GT.2102.00004
Choreographic Interventions, Thesis
NYU Tisch School of the Arts provides reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. Requests for accommodations should be made at least two weeks before the date of the event when possible. You can request accommodations at