
Make the pose as shown on the screen to enter next level!

mia fan


Overall it is a posenet project. In this project, players need to adjust their posture to get into the next challenge. The outline of posture they need to do will be shown on screen. Players will be given time to adjust their posture. If players touch the limit of the posture or their posture is not standardized enough, their AP will be eliminated. When AP reaches 0, the game's over.

I use Posenet to catch the player's movement real-time. If technically allowed, I may develop multi-players mode in the future.

The original idea came from the TV show I watched when I was young. There was a wall made of foam board moving to the player and the player needed to adjust their pose before the wall hit them. I tried make the image move but I failed:D Actually the project is not stable enough, but it can be played haha. Hope you have fun~


The web Firebird

The web Firebird is a live performance experiment on coding, choreography and augmented reality, designed for the web.

Fernando Gregorio



This project is going to be presented LIVE on the “Talk to the creator” link on:

Sunday, May 17 at 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm

Monday, May 18 at 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm

The Firebird used to live in a wet forest with their community. One day, without previous notice, their house was put on fire by someone who couldn’t understand the way they were living. And so the Firebird flies away from home. The Fire Bird migrates to the city, in the north, alone, and finds a place to sleep where no human could find them. The thing is that they were carrying an invisible fire seed inside their belly. So in the place where they slept, they dream for so long, that the invisible seed that was inside of their belly finds time to germinate and turns into a tree.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2037.001, ITPG-GT.2175.001, ITPG-GT.2480.001
Experiments in Augmented Reality, Choreographic Interventions, The Nature of Code


Cutting rhythms, cutting patterns. Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC.

Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Yuguang Zhang



Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC. It is co-created by Yuguang Zhang & Nuntinee Tansrisakul.

IMA/ITP New York
Choreographic Interventions

Synthetic Gardens, Electric Dreams

Upon waking up from your REM sleep, join a tour with me in the synthetic gardens, electric dreams

Caren Ye



As virtual reality transforms us into an immersive space, the wandering experience in the synthetic garden resembles our experiences in the REM sleep stage, which is associated with dreaming, memory consolidation, learning, and problem solving to visit our unconscious mind.

Using human bodies, gestures, imaginary creatures with elements from man-made world and nature, the garden unwraps a world inspired by the unheeded nature, fantasy fictions, traditional Chinese garden art (Yuanlin) and rituals, speculating the relationship between man and nature in the digital neutropia.

It will also be like an interactive audio-visual experience with spatial music arranged throughout the journey.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2422.001, ITPG-GT.2177.001
Live Image Processing and Performance, Synthetic Architectures

Deliberate Negligence

This project explores the strategic positioning of suicide barriers in the NYUAD campus.

Luize Rieksta, Maria Calderon, Will Mlekush



For this piece, we drew inspiration from Alex Villar’s “Temporary Occupations”, which shows how the infrastructure and architecture of a space enforce movement and determine spatial codes. We decided to adapt Villar’s concept to our campus and its infrastructure, more specifically – the suicide barriers that NYUAD implemented after the transition to the Saadiyat campus. This adaptation focuses Villar’s concept on the social issue of suicide. Positioning ourselves in the vulnerable spaces between these barriers, we interrogate such responsive spatial interventions, asking questions of purpose, effectiveness, and agency. 

Why place suicide barriers in some areas and not others? There are notable gaps near the Torch Club and around various sets of stairs on campus. There are also gaps on the high walls behind the Campus Center, an area of low pedestrian traffic. Surveillance cameras were also placed around most of the non-barred areas. What benefit comes from these cameras’ placement? How do these barriers contribute to dealing with suicide? What constitutes an effective intervention? How does the presence of these barriers affect the behaviors of residents and visitors?

IM Abu Dhabi
Understanding Interactive Media – Critical Questions & Theories

Gesture Controlled Moving Lights

Gesture controlled DMX moving head lights using body tracking data from the Kinect.

Nicole Cabalquinto



I used TouchDesigner to parse body tracking data from the Microsoft Kinect and madMapper to receive OSC messages that would change channel values to control the moving head lights.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2422.001, ITPG-GT.2133.001
Live Image Processing and Performance, Light and Interactivity

ITP Weather Band: Debut Performances

ITP Weather Band is an experimental band creating music by playing weather data collected from a DIY weather station with custom software and hardware musical instruments. Come see our debut performances!

Arnab Chakravarty, Atchareeya Name Jattuporn, Brent Bailey, Sid Chou, Chun Song, Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Schuyler DeVos, Yeseul Song



What does today’s weather sound like?

ITP Weather Band is an experimental band creating music by playing weather data collected from a DIY weather station with custom software and hardware musical instruments. The band uses sound and music as a medium for delivering information about our immediate environment through the auditory sense.

We have been working together both in-person and remotely for the past semester as a group to implement the weather station system that collects a variety of weather data with environmental sensors and post the data to a database. Each band member created a unique musical instrument that gets the weather data from the database and turns them into weather-themed auditory sound and music.

This is the band’s debut performance where we introduce the weather station system and demonstrate the musical instruments in show & tell style.

Come join us!

🥁 Line-Up

– Introduction: Meet the Weather Band and the Weather Station system!

– Temperature Bells by Schuyler W DeVos: The playback rate of a bell is mapped from 0.1-2 across a list of temperature readings for a week. Colder temperatures make the bells slower, warmer temperatures make the bells faster.

– Wind Visualizer and Cymbals Monkey by Sid Chou: Wind Visualizer is a simple physics simulation to spatialize experience of wind. Cymbals Monkey is a cheerful robot that plays cymbals based on wind gust data.

– Spatial Wind Sound Composition by Chun Song: Simulate a spatial sound experience of being an extraterrestrial being who would hear sounds as particles or overtones laid out in space. Some partiels would be blown away by winds.

– Wind Guitar by Atchareeya Jattuporn (Name): An instrumental sculpture that can be collaboratively performed by humans and nature. The sculpture will visualize wind directions measured from the ITP weather station in the form of sound.

– Weather Radio by Nuntinee Tansrisakul: Tune-in to the weather station in East Village, NY.

– Weather Lamp by Arnab Chakravarty: An interactive lighting object that turns abrupt changes in weather visualized as soft patterns

– The Weather, Probably by Jesse Simpson: An interactive MIDI score generator where the user decides the relevance of each weather event. 

🧸 Credits

– Faculty Leads/Advisors: Yeseul Song, Tom Igoe

– Weather Station System Development: Brent Bailey, Arnab A Chakravarty, Yeseul Song, and previously Rushali Paratey

– Weather Station System Development Support and Advisement: Tom Igoe

🌤 Weather Station

The weather station is currently installed in East Village in Manhattan during the quarantine, but will be moved back to 370 Jay once the building opens again.

* ITP Weather Band is presented by ITPower, a research group that explores ways to contribute to a sustainable future with creative uses of technology.

IMA/ITP New York
Intangible Interaction

A Conversation

A Conversation is an online experiment orchestrated to explore vulnerability among strangers in the digital realm

Daniel Fries, Na Chen, Schuyler DeVos, Tirta Rachman



A Conversation is an online experiment orchestrated to explore vulnerability among strangers in the digital realm. You will be assigned a pseudonym and paired up with a stranger in one of three chatrooms. Everything said in each chatroom is visible to each of the other chatrooms. As you converse with your partner, we urge you to ask yourself: what compels you to keep a conversation going? How honest do you want to be? And how would you like to portray yourself given that you are anonymous?

Each session at most can host 6 players; all others become observers.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-conversation-itp-spring-show-2020-tickets-105575294548

IMA/ITP New York
Collective Play

Composition in Confinement

Composition in confinement is a new media performance where the world outside is re-interpreted is search of a personal physical voice for our current beauty.

Defne Onen



I find that I’m really interested in the untold story of the two procedures of artistic and technical aspects of a project growing together and learning from each other; being in constant dialogue.

What does this growth look like in my work? Can I depict this in a performance? Can I turn this dialogue into an underlying structure that I can keep using?

How can I build an immersive environment, a choreographed world or a performance within my home to bring my body and my mind together? How can I depict this world through light and movement?

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2175.001, ITPG-GT.2102.00004
Choreographic Interventions, Thesis
NYU Tisch School of the Arts provides reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. Requests for accommodations should be made at least two weeks before the date of the event when possible. You can request accommodations at tisch.nyu.edu/accommodation