
aaalone is a series of concrete poetry experiments about my interpretation of loneliness during self-quarantine.

zeyao li


aaalone is a series of concrete poetry experiments about reconstructing language to interpret loneliness in the context of both English and Chinese. The project is focused on using programming languages (python and javascript) to break down the visual language that we are using daily and create a new visual form in which the visual aspect is more meaningful than the verbal meaning itself. The collection of concrete poems takes viewers to look at my relationship with loneliness. It is also meant to help them reflect on their feelings during the self-quarantine.



Designed to reach those who are feeling especially isolated, Neighborline is a daily phone call that connects people on the line at random for a friendly chat.

Dawn Sinkowski, Simone Salvo


Neighborline creates an opportunity for spontaneous conversations in an isolated, challenging time. Dial the number daily at 3pm to connect to people on the line at random for a friendly chat. It was designed to be an open, low tech solution to bringing a bit of cheer to anyone who might be feeling isolated. With so much of our social lives being sustained online, we wanted to build a bridge to those in our community left behind by technology. But it's also for anyone who misses impromptu exchanges or is burnt out from their screens. Like the 7pm cheer, it’s so important to have something in the day to look forward to. At the moment, Neighborline is serving New York. We hope Neighborline can be a model for other areas around the country and the world. We’re providing all the documentation for Neighborline to inspire others to replicate, reimagine, and rediscover the magic of a good, old-fashioned phone call.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2564.001, ITPG-GT.2577.002
Project Development Studio, Dynamic Web Development
Culture,Social Good/Activism


AR entertainment experience to help people manage through quarantine times.

Siyuan Zan, Tianjun Wang, Xiaoyun_Sherry_ Liu


In our interviews, people said they need surprise&fresh feelings, escaping from theirl limited physical space and unexpected interactions in their home. So we create an AR experience to help people through the hard times by trying to introduce outdoor natural related experience into home.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2037.001, ITPG-GT.2805.00001
Experiments in Augmented Reality, Designing Meaningful Interactions

The web Firebird

The web Firebird is a live performance experiment on coding, choreography and augmented reality, designed for the web.

Fernando Gregorio


This project is going to be presented LIVE on the “Talk to the creator” link on:

Sunday, May 17 at 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm

Monday, May 18 at 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm

The Firebird used to live in a wet forest with their community. One day, without previous notice, their house was put on fire by someone who couldn’t understand the way they were living. And so the Firebird flies away from home. The Fire Bird migrates to the city, in the north, alone, and finds a place to sleep where no human could find them. The thing is that they were carrying an invisible fire seed inside their belly. So in the place where they slept, they dream for so long, that the invisible seed that was inside of their belly finds time to germinate and turns into a tree.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2037.001, ITPG-GT.2175.001, ITPG-GT.2480.001
Experiments in Augmented Reality, Choreographic Interventions, The Nature of Code

1234, Mass Tuning-In

1234, Mass Tuning-In is an installation which asks 8 people to count together as a way of deep listening

Nuntinee Tansrisakul


1234 is an installation which asks people to count together, separately.

Do you choose to lead? Follow? Create a form of unison or counterpoint? Listen and count.

IMA/ITP New York
ITPG-GT.2102.00001, ITPG-GT.2061.001, ITPG-GT.2061.001
Thesis, Tangible Interaction and Device Design, Tangible Interaction and Device Design
Machine Learning,Music


Cutting rhythms, cutting patterns. Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC.

Nuntinee Tansrisakul, Yuguang Zhang


Cut is a live performance that explores choreographic intervention possibilities using a 2-dimensional screen and WebRTC. It is co-created by Yuguang Zhang & Nuntinee Tansrisakul.

IMA/ITP New York
Choreographic Interventions

VR History – NYC

This project uses virtual reality to guide the viewer on a historically accurate tour through three snapshots of an intersection over the course of New York City history.

Ethan Printz


This Unity-based VR experience seeks to recount New York City’s history through the perpetual changing of its environments. One location is tracked through its many changes over hundreds of years. The hope is to be factual in nature, educational in context, and fun to experience. For the purposes of this virtual show, I will act as tour guide through the historical environment, guiding viewers through a first-person view while explaining the historical significance of the environments. The location I chose for this incarnation of the project is just off the Northeast corner of Washington Square Park, on the street of Washington Square East, as this location had an abundance of historical reference material to examine and carries personal weight for many of the students in our community. I examined hundreds of photos, drawing, maps, and writings to construct these environments as realistically as possible- though there is still some manipulation of the visual environment and usage of assets to cut down on modeling time needed in light of my other four final projects. Movement in the experience is teleportation-based, both around the environment and onto points in order to teleport between time periods. While the project is in a perfectly presentable and feature-complete at the moment, there will nonetheless be some small additions to it by the time of the show. I’ll scatter about some of my reference materials within the scene, will improve the audio soundscapes, and will touch up the modeling and placement of assets within the scenes.

IMA/ITP New York
Immersive Experiences (UG)

Interacting with Abydos

Interactive exhibition that focuses on the Abydos excavation site in Egypt.

Elizabeth Chiappini, Ge Chang, Katie Han, Sydney Meyers


Interacting with Abydos is an interactive digital exhibition that focuses on the Abydos Excavation site in Egypt. Abydos is an ancient site where archeologists have uncovered a 5,000 year old history. Our exhibition aims to leverage innovative technology used by the archeology team at Abydos to create interactive experiences that demystify life in ancient Abydos. We worked closely with Matthew Adams, a senior research scholar at NYU who has been working on the Abydos site since 1999.

In this exhibition, presented as a website, we reveal the everyday life of people in Ancient Egypt based on what the artifacts from the Abydos site tell us. The physical installation, shown through 3D renderings of the space, imagines a large-scale exhibition where people can learn about the excavation site and findings in person. The digital interactive adapts the journey of the exhibition into a desktop experience.

IMA/ITP New York
Playful Communication of Serious Research

100 Days of Future Sketches

100 days of future sketches are my way to sketch out ideas of dynamic interactive/psychedelic visuals for web.

Rui An


Interactive web visual sketches.

IMA/ITP New York
100 Days of Making

Treasure Tracking

Trace the trade path of Chinese lost cultural heritage

Ruixuan Li, Tianxu Zhou, Monni Qian


China has a long history of 5000 years, during which, there exists a huge amount of cultural treasures. However, due to wars, political and economic factors, as well as many other complex reasons, a lot of treasures were lost, many of which were divided into pieces and traveling around the world now. China has always been working on reuniting them and eventually bringing them back home. However, it definitely ain’t easy since the treasures were traded by many parties and the routes are hard to track over time. They might have traveled abroad in multiple places and landed in museums, auctions, galleries, or individuals’ hands. So, we are planning to create a map to trace the trade path of Chinese lost cultural heritage.

IMA/ITP New York
All Maps Lie
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