Probable Weavings

Ashley Lewis

Two series of small woven tapestries. One set by Ashley, one set by a machine learning model.


The first computer was modelled after the Jacquard Loom. Female weavers like Ani Albers, and many others, perfected the use of the loom while both inadvertently and directly developing algorithms that went on to influence the functionality of computers. I am deeply interested in the hidden narrative of women and soft textiles at the origin of (masculine) computing and hardware. I like the idea of feeding computation back into weaving as a way of unravelling our common understanding of tech and honouring those women. Using Runway and ml5, I fed a machine learning model a collection of Ani Albers weaving patterns to create a set of “Probable Weavings” and then wove those patterns. In the time it takes to weave these works, I thought deeply about the influence of women on computation as well as the limits of algorithms to understand materiality and space.


Machine Learning for the Web

Punch Punch Revolution

Atharva Patil

A fun exercise game built combining machine learning & an Arduino.



From machine learning models requiring a massive computational power to run, we went to have them run in browsers. Now smaller versions of the models can be run in Arduinos which are smaller than 2 inches. An experiment wherein I ask the question, what happens when we move beyond human-machine interaction to a point where we are part machine. A simple exercise game where people practice punching in a small amount of time to advance through levels.


Machine Learning for the Web


Mark Matamoros

JCB is a multi-ribbon, wavetable synthesizer controller that bares the resemblance of a cello and a lap steel guitar’s child.


JCB is an eight-sided musical, wavetable synthesizer controller that primarily functions through the utilization of ribbon sensors. Furthermore, the controller is to be played in a sitting manner.

Regarding the utilization of ribbons, the right side of the controller is comprised of three long ribbons for sound oscillator activation and pitch shifting. Furthermore, these three strips are individually stacked on top of long pressure sensors for amplitude control.

On the left side of the controller, six smaller ribbons (without pressure sensors) are placed in a symmetrical manner, reflective of the right side of the instrument. These six ribbons are utilized for dynamic and time-based processing, where the manner of manipulation is handled in a global fashion.

On the front side of the controller, three switches are attached to the front panel, where they act as a means of “latching” their coordinating “sound-generating” ribbon. Additionally, three attached potentiometers “tune” their respective “sound-generating” ribbon. It must also be noted that a single potentiometer is utilized for wavetable positioning within the synthesis component.

And regarding the synthesizer, Max MSP receives the sensor data through the utilization of an Arduino Mega. Furthermore, Max MSP handles the sound generation and manipulation.


Intro to Fabrication, Introduction to Physical Computing

The Pale Blue Dot

Lanni Zhou, Pei Yu Sun

Our earth is just a pale blue dot that should be carefully cherished by us.


We often think the earth is so big with tons of resource. However, the earth is small and fragile; it's our one and only home. We want to create an interactive experience that enhance the nature of earth which often being overlooked by us.


Introduction to Physical Computing

A Trip to Hollowland

Chenshan Gao, Zhe Wang

A collective virtual travel experience to a demolished hybrid city.


Hollowland is a surreal cityscape that draws inspiration from both ancient and modern city planning. It incorporates elements like existing landmarks, everyday objects as well universal travel destinations.


Desert of the Real: Deep Dive into Social VR

Variations on Computational Association

Bora Aydintug

A showcase of machine associations based on my artwork.



As a visual artist, I try to evoke curiosity of the audience in regards to their own inner universe and the common universe that we share. I hope to encourage the audience to let their mind wonder and make free associations. When we look at abstract shapes, random or natural patterns, we liken them to other things. Usually, when we are making free associations, we simply liken shapes to other shapes, if we, however, let our minds wonder and remain with the free-associative activity, we will soon start making associations that are increasingly our own. These personal associations are unique in their relationship to our world of meanings, and usually point towards memories of the past. Free associations, in this sense, are the emergence of connections to experiences of the past.

My fluid dynamic visuals are particularly inviting in this regard. I, therefore, wanted to experiment with BigbiGAN, to see what kind of associations this generative model would make, based on these visuals. Upon analyzing the features of an image, BigbiGAN makes a guess as to what it’s seeing and then generates the image of what it assumes to be seeing. By design, the network makes use of its experience of having been shown similar images. Although devoid of consciousness and therefore meaning, the network is sharing its experiences of the past with us.

The results were obtained after many experiments in Runway, which incorporates an implementation of BigbiGAN.


Open Source Cinema, The Neural Aesthetic

Relative Time

Jingyi Zhou, Roi Ye

A collective digital installation that visualizes the passes of life using people's heart beat



The Relative time is an art installation that visualizes the passes of life using people's heart beat. From scientific research, there is limited total heart beat number in one's life. Every time you heart beats, your life passes, like the time elapses. So this installation records and visualizes your heart beat to beautiful patterns and with the accompany of different clocking sounds, it reminds people to treasure your life.


Introduction to Computational Media

Interactive Fetal Movement

Zachariah Kobrinsky

Fetal movement sensor that visualizes a baby's kicks in an ethereal, meditative .p5 sketch, and it also tracks fetal movement over time as an indicator of fetal health.


I believe this is the first digital interactive platform for a fetus in history. In addition to a video and audio experience for an audience, I can broadcast back to my wife's belly via headphones, providing audio feedback to my son-to-be in utero. It'll be interesting to see how he reacts.

For the show, the experience will be the visualization of baby kicks with audio, and visualization of baby movement over time that I will be data logging to an SD card.


Introduction to Physical Computing


Topher Blair

A video performance with animation around cycles of resource consumption.


I was asked once to make a piece that summarized my feelings about my home state of Colorado. This piece was an attempt to synthesize the complex feelings that I had around the processes that make a place function, and what problems those may cause. I chose to depict 3 different environments, mountains, cities and plains, and show how each environment influences the other, and the ways that we all depend on them.

The piece itself takes the form of 4-minute video performance, which was created for my paper engineering and live image processing and performance classes last year. It involves a setup with a table and a camera, and some sort of video display surface to be able to put on. A projector or a TV will work fine.

I built a light box with sliding paper elements for each environment. The box lights up in different ways to show each element’s attributes. For my fabrication class, which I took this fall, I remade the sliding box to be much sturdier and more robust.

The performance will loop twice, with the second time around featuring animated characters in addition to a video live feed. I wanted to demonstrate the cyclical, yet changing nature of how human beings interact with their environments.


Intro to Fabrication, Live Image Processing and Performance, Paper Engineering 101 and Designing for Children

Believable news

Ruixuan Li, Zhoujian Sheng

Sharing makes the world better, but can you tell the real from the fake?



Fake news are more terrible than we thought!
Research shows that fake news spreading 10% faster than real news. Fake news also could kill people, at least 20 people were killed in India in 2018 due to the fast spreading fake news in WhatsApp.

So, What makes fake news believable?
pictures, images and videos, because people think those resources are reliable evidences of the event.

Concept: 'Believable News' a virtual newspaper which could improve people’s vigilance to fake news. The content of the newspaper are three different news which happened in different places of the world. However, those three news are demonstrated with the same picture. And the picture is totally make sense with every news.

Interaction: 1. Three news paper are hanging on the wall and maximum three people could participate into the experience at the same time. > 2. The newspaper is blurred, user could only see the image but can't see the content clearly, three different glasses are provided > 3. user wear different glasses and different news will be showed > 4. user choose one news which they believe is real to share to other the readers 5. user will know the news they just shared is fake or real.


Faking the News, Introduction to Physical Computing, Introduction to Physical Computing