
Instructional Time

ITP/IMA offers a rich set of activities outside of normal class meeting times that may be a required component of ITP/IMA classes.  These include but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Departmental Speakers (Thursday Night Talks, Grad Launch, etc)
  • Workshops run by “Residents”, “Fellows”, “Production Mentors”, staff or the various Labs (Coding Lab, Design Lab, Doc Lab, Hyper Lab, and Fabrication and Electronics Shop)
  • Bookable Office Hours or other help sessions offered by Faculty, Residents, Production Mentors, or various Lab staff.
  • Club Meetings and workshops that are run by Faculty, Residents, Production Mentors, or Staff including Feedback Collective, Beats Club, etc. 
  • Studio time spent in the Fabrication and Electronics Shop working on projects
  • Studio time spent in the Hyper Lab, Doc Lab, or Design Lab working on projects
  • Studio time spent in the 370J Media Commons
  • Participation in an end of semester class performance or showcase
  • Participation in the end of semester show

A typical 4 or 2 credit ITP course requires 1 hour per week or 14 hours total of the class engaged in one or more of the above activities. This along with any specific required activities will be indicated on the syllabus for each course.

A typical 4 or 2 credit undergraduate IMA course requires 30 minutes per week or 7 hours total of the class engaged in one or more of the above activities. This along with any specific required activities will be indicated on the syllabus for each course.