
ITP / IMA Class Attendance Policy

At ITP / IMA / NYU, regular class attendance is an important component of academic success. Adjustments to the below policy are made by individual faculty members based on the nature of the class, the meeting pattern, and length of the class.  The final policy for each class may be found on the syllabus for that class.

ITP’s Attendance Policy:

Students are permitted the following number of absences:

  • 4 unit – 14 week classes that meet once a week: 2 absences
  • 2 unit – 7 week classes that meet once a week: 1 absences
  • 1 unit – __________________: 0 absences

Exceeding these unexcused absence guidelines is grounds for automatic failure.

Any classes you miss due to not being enrolled during the drop/add period are not counted as absences. If you are on the waitlist for a class you should attend during this period or risk being dropped from the waitlist.

Course instructors are permitted to grant additional “excused” absences, at their discretion, provided the student has given advance notice, and is willing to make the necessary arrangements to get caught up on any missed materials and/or assignments.

IMA’s Attendance Policy:

Students are permitted the following number of absences:

  • 4 unit – 14 week classes that meet twice a week: 3 absences
  • 4 unit – 14 week classes that meet once a week: 2 absences
  • 2 unit – 7 week classes that meet twice a week: 2 absences
  • 2 unit – 7 week classes that meet once a week: 1 absences
  • 1 unit – __________________: 0 absences

There are no excused absences and unexcused absences. There are only absences. Any more than [X] number of absences corresponding above will affect your grade. Two late arrivals (more than 10 minutes after start time) will count as 1 absence.

For example:

  • [X+1] absences will result in your highest possible grade being a B instead of an A
  • [X+2] absences will result in your highest possible grade being a C instead of an A
  • [X+3] absences will result in your highest possible grade being a D instead of an A
  • [X+4] absences will result in an automatic F for the course

Any classes you miss due to not being enrolled during the drop/add period are not counted as absences. If you are on the waitlist for a class you should attend during this period or risk being dropped from the waitlist.

Adjustments to the above policy are made by individual faculty members based on the nature of the class, the meeting pattern, and length of the class.  The final policy for each class may be found on the syllabus for that class.