

Visit The Wall to see your classmates, learn a bit about them including how to pronounce their names! Edit your information, show off your portfolio.  Use the API to make your own wall like creation.



What is Discord:

Discord is a messaging platform made up of different servers (or communities). This community server hosts current ITP/IMA community members during the 2021/22 school year. You can use this to socialize, ask questions, post jobs, and more. 

It is not mandatory to join the Discord Server.

New Rules:

1. You must have a role to view all channels.
– ITP students can use the #role-assignment channel to react with an Octopus in order to receive the ITP role. IMA students can use the #role-assignment channel to react with a Dolphin in order to receive the ITP role.
– Faculty members (and others) can send me or anyone with the role “student admin” a direct message to receive their faculty role.

2. You must use an identifiable name.
– Please change your nickname to a name which will be recognizable to the community. Some variation of your first and/or last name. Please don’t use pure nicknames, making it hard for people to understand who they are communicating with.


Friday Sept 3rd 6:00pm EST ~Virtual on Zoom~

Student admins Viola He and Eamon Goodman will be leading an intro and help session for people that are new to Discord. 

Zoom Link


Need a tutorial on using Discord? Check out these slides:
How to use Discord

Getting Started With The ITP/IMA Discord

Link to Join Discord Server:



YORB (https://yorb.itp.io/) is available as a space for ITP-ers to use in classes, events, and clubs / extracurriculars.  Ongoing development and management of the space will be led by a YORB club forming to take this to infinity and beyond.  Possible uses of the space include unstructured get-togethers, structured get-togethers, theater games and performances, experiments in hybrid analog-digital interactions, showing some student work (p5.js sketches), parties, showing off the 370 Jay St location without being in 370 Jay St, etc.  If you have an idea you’d like to see happen in YORB, please contact the YORB club.


Invite from Yen: https://discourse.itp.io/invites/1f8adcae24c060ecb4c1119869348bc6


You can use the same invite link to add your students to Discourse.

Once you have signed up, please ask Yen to create a category for your class. yenan.chen@nyu.edu

How-to from LowRes_IMA