Flammable Material Storage
This page outlines the material storage guidelines for the Yellow Fire Safety Cabinet which you can find on the shop floor across from the 3D printers.
All materials that are stored in the Yellow Fire Safety Cabinet are required to have a label that is completely filled out with legible information.
You can store your material for a period of one month with the option to extend the storage for additional months as needed.
Storing your Materials
Material labels can be found on the door of the cabinet. The labels are color coded and will be either RED, BLUE, GREEN, or PURPLE depending on the week.
Shop staff will clear out/ throw away materials at the end of each week according to the color coded system of labels.
Each week a sign will be posted on the door of the cabinet indicating which color label is going to be thrown out.
Extending your material storage
If you would like to extend the storage of your material for an additional month, put a new label with the color for the current week over the top of your original label. A reminder will be posted on the bottom half of the cleaning notice which will be visible for the entire week before cleanout occurs.
*** If materials have multiple visible labels they will be thrown out!
TL;DR – Put a label with your information on your material before you put it in the Yellow fire safety cabinet. If you don’t relabel it within a month, kiss your material goodbye!