ITP Grading and Academic Probation Policy


ITP students are expected to work to a high level of accomplishment — and are expected to earn a grade of PASS in all ITP courses. Specific grading criteria are outlined in the syllabus for each ITP course — common requirements are attendance at all class meetings, no unexcused absences, arriving for class on time and fully prepared, regular participation in class discussion and critiques, delivering assignments by the assigned date. We recognize that ITP majors are often engaging complex, technical material for the first time — therefore we value the effort that a student puts into their course work. We are not always looking for mastery of the material but we do require that a student show a deep understanding of the material — just making the effort and attending the class meetings may, in and of itself, not result in a passing grade. This will be determined by each individual ITP instructor in his/her course.

ITP students who receive a FAILING grade in one class may be placed on Academic Probation. This may have implications on such things as scholarship aid. Furthermore, students whose records indicate that they are not making normal progress toward their degrees (i.e., are completing less than 32 points during the academic year) may be placed on probation.

Two failing grades may result in dismissal from the program.

Student records are reviewed following the fall and spring semesters. Students placed on probation will be informed of their probationary status by email. Students placed on probation will have their records reviewed the following semester. Students whose records fail to meet the school minimum standards or departmental requirements for good standing are subject to dismissal.