Spring Show 2024

Please note, in order to be considered for participation in the Show, you must be enrolled in an ITP/IMA/Low Res class and the work must have been created during the current semester.

Show Map

Approved Projects

Info Session

Production Gantt

Production Schedule

  • March 28th (Thursday)
    • 12:00 PM
      • Submissions OPEN
  • May 2nd (Thursday)
    • 6:00 PM
      • Submissions CLOSE
  • May 4th (Saturday)
    • 6:00 PM
      • Accepted projects announced
  • May 7th (Tuesday)
  • May 8th – 9th
    • Clean up red bins, throw out trash, and take any non-show materials home.
  • May 9th (Thursday)
    • 3:00 PM
      • Finalize your project data in the Projects Database.
        • Update photos, videos, and proofread your elevator pitch and project description. This information is displayed in the Projects Directory on the show website.
    • 6:00 PM
      • All equipment must be returned to the ER no later than 6:00 PM.
        • This will clear up space on the floor and allow us to distribute equipment for the show as efficiently as possible once we begin setting up.
  • May 10th (Friday)
    • 4:00 PM
      • Begin clearing furniture from the floor. If you are in the show, participation is mandatory however we highly encourage everyone to participate.
      • Internal Show map distributed
  • May 11th (Saturday)
    • 10:00 AM
      • Begin requested equipment check out
        • Make sure you (or a group member) is available to check out requested equipment. Equipment is first come first serve. The ER will not issue any late equipment requests until all requests submitted before the Equipment Request deadline have been filled.
          • PLEASE NOTE: Computers are a resource that we cannot support for every student. Students are expected to use their own computer in the Show whenever possible so that we can assist with those who have no other access to a computer resource.
  • May 12th (Sunday)
    • 10:00 AM
      • Show producers will do a walkthrough of all projects.
      • Be set up and ready to demonstrate your project. Missing or non-functioning projects risk being pulled from the show.
    • 2:00 PM
      • SHOW TIME!
      • Livestream (Day 1) begins
    • 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
      • Doors open
  • May 13th (Monday)
    • 4:00 PM
      • SHOW TIME!
      • Livestream (Day 2) begins
    • 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
      • Doors open
    • 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
      • Strike the show, return equipment, clear the Media Commons and restore the floor and classrooms.

How To Submit

Submissions AND Waitlist are now closed. We planned the show timeline this semester around increasing the application period by over a month – and also opened a waitlist for any technical glitches in submission for a few days – so we are going to stick to our word on “no late submissions” and prioritize projects that came in on time! Thanks for understanding.

  1. Navigate to the Projects Database
  2. Log in with your NYU credentials
  3. On the upper left, click Add Project
  4. At minimum, complete the following required submission fields:
    • Project Title
    • Venue(s)
      • make certain to select Spring Show 2024
    • Class(es)
    • Project Description
    • Project Main Image
    • Alt text for Main Image
    • What is your project about?
    • What does your project do technically?
    • How will people engage with your project?
    • Accessibility
      • Audience
      • Presentation
      • Duration
      • Visual
      • Auditory
      • Tactile
      • Olfactory
      • Vestibular
      • Space
      • Accommodations
    • How do you want to present your project?
    • Demo Video
      • Provide a publicly accessible Google Drive share link to a video one minute or less in length.
      • In no longer than 60 seconds show us what your project is and convince us it’ll be working by showtime. Show the project in action. If it’s still under construction, give a visual explanation of what the user will experience and evidence that the project will be ready in time for the show.
        • The video link will live on with the project into the show and after. You can edit the URL and swap out another video as you make progress, and we encourage you to put in a final video of the project in action once the show goes up.
    • Space Requests
    • Attestations

How to update Diagram

  • Navigate to the Projects Database
  • Log in with your NYU credentials
  • On the left, Select Project
ITP projects database - Monkey Face Time
  • Click on Associate Documents
Document-Associate Documents
  • Select file type from Document Type dropdown menu
  • Click Choose File
  • Enter “Diagram” in the Document Name or Title field
  • toggle on the checkbox labeled “Secret”
  • Enter “Diagram” in the Alt text (Required) field
  • Click Submit
Document name or title-Diagram. Alt text(Required)-Diagram.

How to update Equipment and Space Requests

  • Navigate to the Projects Database
  • Log in with your NYU credentials
  • On the left, Select Project
ITP projects database - Monkey Face Time
  • Click on Add/Edit under Equipment Requests
  • Click on Add/Edit under Space Requests
Equipment Requests-Add/Edit. Space Requests-Add/Edit.

Show Dates & Times

  • Sunday, May 12th
    • 2:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Monday, May 13th
    • 4:00pm – 8:00pm

Show Production Team

  • Dan O’Sullivan, Faculty Producer
  • Noah Pivnick, Technical Producer
  • Sarah Rothberg, Faculty Producer

Livestream Production Team

  • TBD, Livestream Producer
  • TBD, Livestream Producer
  • TBD, Livestream Producer
  • TBD, Associate Livestream Producer
  • TBD, Associate Livestream Producer
  • TBD, Associate Livestream Producer

Caveats and Musts

Before submitting your project, please consider the following:

  • You must meet the Production Deadlines outlined above
  • You must show up for the mandatory Check-In Period
  • You must stay after the Show closes on the last night to help restore the floor


  • Be long on flexibility and organization and short on entitlement
  • Maintain a sense of humor. No matter what happens, it’ll be alright in the end
  • Plan more time than you think you need
  • Keep contact with teachers and staff; things change quickly
  • The show is an excellent opportunity to get user feedback from people who don’t share your background or assumptions. If possible, design your work to encourage unguided feedback from the audience. Use it wisely. Don’t disagree with visitors, take note of what they don’t understand or don’t respond to in your work.
  • Get proper sleep, and nutrition
  • Maintain concern for your fellow students, staff and faculty; we’ll need each other’s support to make the show work.
  • The show is a privilege, not a right. Anyone exhibiting rude behavior during the show process may be removed from the show.


How are projects selected for the show?

Projects are judged according to the following criteria:

  • whether the project is from a class in the current semester
  • how well the project will show in this venue — not too big (space), not too long (time), not too much equipment
  • how far along is the project, is it complete and ready for presentation?
  • video demo URL has been included with submission

What should be in the project video?

Show us what your project is and how you will present it to visitors. Convey its meaning and demonstrate that it is working or will be working. Please show us the project in action if it is a physically interactive piece. If it’s still under construction, give us a visual explanation of what the user will experience and evidence that you have the construction under control. You can edit the URL and swap out another video as you make progress, and we encourage you to put in a final video demonstration of the project in action before the Show website project entries go live.

How many projects can I have in the show?

If you are submitting a solo project to the show, you do so with the understanding that you will not be able to have any other solo projects in the show, nor act as Point Person on any group projects.

What is a Point Person?

Every project should have ONLY ONE Point Person who is principally responsible for it. That means you will be with it all the way, all through the show, to demonstrate it, answer questions from guests, make sure it’s working, and see to it that it’s cleaned up at the end. You cannot be point for more than one project. The Point Person must know how to operate, explain, and fix (if needed) the project on their own.

I have a group project, how can I associate my collaborators with the project?

  1. Log into the Projects Database
  2. Click on your project name from the list.
  3. Click on Associate People.
  4. Under Add Project User, click Add next to collaborator name(s).

I have a group project, how can I reassign the “Point Person” to someone else?

  1. Log into the Projects Database
  2. Click on your project name from the list.
  3. Click on Associate People.
  4. Under Existing Project Users, click Make Point Person next to collaborator name.

How are equipment and space allocated?

Equipment is pulled from the labs, gallery and equipment room. In general, you will need to supply your own computer for the project – ITP is in a better position to assist with peripherals like displays, projectors, speakers, Kinects, etc..

Equipment is allocated based on your project submission so make sure to add equipment and space requirements by clicking on add/edit equipment in the Projects Database. Do not use the notes sections to itemize your equipment needs – use those areas for technical and setup notes to the producers.

If you are looking for staging space before the show please contact: AskITP@itp.nyu.edu.

Will signage be provided for projects?

We do generate wall text for the Show. If you have additional posters or signage, please consider location and await space assignments first. Wall text will be generated from the information you submit in the online signup, so make sure you fill it out in full and on time!