
IMA Internships & CPT

The IMA Internship course (IMNY-UT 901) is open to IMA majors in their Sophomore year or higher. The course can be taken for 1.0 – 4.0 units, and is graded on a pass/fail basis. The hourly requirements for each unit-level are listed below:

Fall / Spring Term Hourly Requirements:

UnitsHours per WeekTotal Hours

Internship Limit: Please take note that IMNY-UT 901 can only be taken for a maximum of 8.0 units total during your undergraduate career.

Summer Term Hourly Requirements:

UnitsHours per WeekTotal Hours

IMA Internship Criteria

  • 1.) The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment;
  • 2.) The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern;
  • 3.) The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff;
  • 4.) The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded;

Part 1: Getting Enrolled in the Class

Step 1: Get approval from your academic adviser.
Step 2: Fill out the IMA Internship Request Google Form.
Step 3: Meet with your internship supervisor and fill out the Internship Agreement and Anti-Discrimination forms. **forms are not needed if you’ve interned with the same organization in a prior term – otherwise they are required**
Step 4: Send the signed Internship Agreement and Anti-Discrimination forms to Dante at dpd266@nyu.edu.
Step 5: Once you have both 1.) completed the IMA Internship Request Google Form, and 2.) sent the signed Internship Agreement and Anti-Discrimination forms to Dante, he will enroll you in IMNY-UT 901.

Part 2: Passing the Class

1.) Midterm Check-In

Students must meet with Sharleen, the Internship Advisor, during the 8th week of classes (prior to the class withdrawal deadline) to discuss their progress in the internship, and email Dante once this has been done.

2.) Submit Your End-of-Term Documentation

  • Timesheet
    • Students must maintain a timesheet (any format is fine) documenting days and hours worked, and have it signed by the internship supervisor. A signed timesheet must be submitted to Dante in order to pass the class.
  • Self-Evaluation
  • Internship Supervisor Evaluation
    • Dante will send a Google form to your internship supervisor to complete, where the supervisor will be asked to evaluate the student’s work with the organization.

Once Dante has received 1.) a signed timesheet, 2.) a self-evaluation from the student and 3.) an evaluation from the supervisor, he will issue you a passing grade for the course.

Optional Step: Apply for CPT – Curricular Practical Training
(for International Students on F-1 Visas, doing PAID or UNPAID Internships)

For full information regarding Curricular Practical Training and other FAQs, please visit OGS’ CPT page here.

CPT allows you, as an F-1 student, to accept off-campus employment as part of the curriculum of your degree program. You must meet the following eligibility guidelines:

  • You must have a job offer directly related to your program of study.
  • You must have been a full-time student in the US for at least one academic year.
  • You must be in valid F-1 status.
  • You must be in good academic standing.

If you work over 12 months of full-time CPT, you will forfeit all OPT.

To begin the process, submit the online request (click here) to OGS for an I-20 authorizing you for CPT.

On the online CPT request form, you will need to:

  • List Dante DelGiacco (dante.delgiacco@nyu.edu), ITP / IMA Department Administrator, as your departmental contact / academic adviser for the purposes of the CPT authorization process.
  • Provide the name, address, and dates of employment for your proposed CPT employer.
  • Upload a scanned copy of your I-94 record.

Once OGS receives both your request for a CPT and the electronic confirmation from your department, it takes up to 5 business days to process your request. OGS will send an email to your NYU email address when your new CPT authorized I-20 is ready.

You will need to present your CPT authorized I-20 to your internship Human Resources within the first three days of your internship start date.

Once you receive your authorization for CPT, you must apply for a Social Security Number if you don’t already have one. You must have a Social Security Number before you can be paid.

If you have any questions or issues regarding the CPT request process, please contact the Office of Global Services (OGS).

StudentLink Center (Brooklyn)
Office of Global Services (OGS)
5 MetroTech Center, Rm. 259
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 10:00am – 4:00pm
(646) 997-3805

Finding Internships:

IMA faculty, staff, and administration send out internship opportunities to the ima-announce list as they come across them.  These are aggregated on the Opportunities Blog

Use other NYU resources.  There is a Tisch office of career development and an NYU one. Both offer workshops and list internships.

Finally, comb through online listings and try to find connections to companies that are hiring.  LinkedIn is a great way to do that. Often times the best way to find jobs/internships is through your friends and friends of friends.