
Tisch Incomplete Coursework Policy


Incomplete grades may only be given to students who have completed more than half of the class assignments. Incomplete grades are given at the discretion of the professor since managing incomplete grades is often additional uncompensated labor for the instructor.

Students are expected to complete all coursework by the end of each semester. If, for compelling reasons, such as illness or a family emergency, a student is unable to complete coursework by the end of the semester, he or she may request a grade of Incomplete. To do so, the student must fill out an Incomplete Request Form, which can be obtained in his or her department’s office, the Office of Student Affairs, or online at http://students.tisch.nyu.edu/page/forms.html, and bring it to the instructor for his or her approval before the last day of classes. The awarding of a grade of Incomplete is at the discretion of the instructor and is not guaranteed. If the instructor agrees that a grade of Incomplete is warranted, he or she will specify on the Incomplete Request Form the deadline by which outstanding work must be completed, not to exceed the end of the semester following the course, as well as the final grade the student will receive if the outstanding work is not completed by the deadline. The Incomplete Request Form will be registered with the department sponsoring the course and a copy will be provided to the Office of Student Affairs. If the incomplete work is not completed within the designated period, the grade will lapse to the final grade indicated by the instructor. Final grades cannot be changed except in cases of faculty or administrative error.

If a student has good reason for not being able to complete the outstanding work in the specified period, he or she may apply for an extension by the instructor. In order to receive an extension, the student must fill out an Extension on Completion of Work Outstanding form, available in the department, the Office of Student Affairs, or online at http://students.tisch.nyu.edu/page/forms.html, and submit the form to the instructor, who will then decide whether or not to grant the extension. Requests for further extensions must receive the approval of the associate dean for student affairs.

Please remember that it is the student’s responsibility to request the grade of Incomplete and that instructors are not obliged to grant an Incomplete. Note that outstanding grades of Incomplete do not count as earned credit hours and therefore may affect registration time and/or eligibility for financial aid. Students with more than one grade of Incomplete in a semester may be placed on academic probation.